The Age of Decadence July Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1548

Iron Tower Studio's honcho "Vince D. Weller" has published a new monthly update for The Age of Decadence, with info on the team's progress on the city of Ganezzar and the latest Steam update for the game. Here's a snippet:
So, what's in this update?
- 13 new Achievements
- A new conversation with Lorenza
- If you had a pickpocket encounter in Teron and decided to take Livia to Cado (thieves only option, obviously) instead of killing her or letting her go, you can meet her in Maadoran now and get a glimpse of the role she's going to play in Act 4 (endgame).
- You asked for a good dagger and we listened. If you manage to save a trader upon arrival to Maadoran, he'll reward you with a nice custom jambia.
- A new merchant in the Slums who can sell you an axe called Black Dow.
- Added text explaining what happened if you leave the Monastery area without doing anything and return later when you're good and ready.
- Added a text-based option to sneak into the vaults as well as the dialogue options depending on how you handled the raiders.
- Fixed an older dialogue that wasn't triggered correctly - after talking to Old Azra and learning that she spent her youth in Maadoran, you can ask the street 'guide' about her.
- Fixed a number of minor bugs including the critical strike issue in Aemolas' village