Sacred 3 Reviews
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A first batch of reviews has come out for Sacred 3, and they paint an overall mixed picture for the action-RPG, which received plenty of negative reviews from big and small outlets alike.
Eurogamer, 5/10.
Sacred 3 could have been a really good game, and a much needed shot in the arm for a series that has always struggled for relevance. There's simply not enough of it, though, and what is there is so slim and featureless as to be almost intangible. It certainly doesn't feel like a game that's been in development for years (Deep Silver announced it in 2010) and is constantly defined by what has been left out, far more than the little that has been fixed or added. As such, amusing as it is in its own shallow way, Sacred 3 can only come as a mediocre disappointment to the hardy few who still consider themselves Sacred fans.
GamesRadar, 2/5.
Fans of the Sacred series should definitely give this one a pass unless they're prepared for massive disappointment. People looking for a co-op time waster can wring a bit of fun out of Sacred 3, but will probably get annoyed by the bad comedy or bored of the repetitive gameplay long before it's over. If this is the best that Dr. Frankenstein could do for Sacred, the poor dead franchise should have been allowed to rest in peace.
gamesTM, 6/10.
Considering the scope of its predecessors and how far the genre has come since the series' inception a decade ago, that's as unnecessary as it is unwelcome. Still, there's potential here and approached with the right mindset and a group of friends there's some fun to be had. Streamline your expectations, in other words, and you're more likely to view Sacred 3 as slick rather than shallow.
GameRanx, 5/10.
If the sort of effort that went into the visual and audio design of Sacred 3, went into the story and the characters, this is a game that could have been a game of the year contender. Unfortunately, these two areas were not enough to save Sacred 3 from mediocrity.
GameInformer, 7.5/10.
I can see how Sacred 3 is going to upset purists and longtime fans; the latest entry has as much in common with Skylanders as it does with previous entries, to be honest. If you're dead-set on an open world, this one's dead in the water. If you liked last year's Sacred: Citadel and want a slightly deeper take on it, however, it's worth a shot.
Gamer Headlines, 6/10.
Sacred 3 despite its shortcomings and change of direction still feels like a part of the series. You will either love it or hate it and as fans of the series, probably the latter. All the effort put in to make the game accessible to a larger audience has only ruined the core foundations. For me the experience was somewhat lackluster, be sure to let me know what you think of Sacred 3 below!
Strategy Informer, 8.0/10.
While we're certainly not starving for Action RPGs these days Sacred 3 does manage to stand out. A poorly-told story with odious voice-acting, crushing linearity, a total lack of customization right down to clothing and levelling upgrades, and an absolute distain for single-player gamers are its biggest faults. None of these manage to stop it from being a really fun and well designed ARPG, which is addictive with one player and utterly glorious in co-op. The linearity and other lack of reasons to do so stop replayability dead however, so beyond maybe an odd further playthrough of certain maps in co-op you'll be done in about 10-15 hours. If ARPGs, particularly co-op ones, are your thing then Sacred 3 should definitely be on your to-buy list, but don't expect it to take over your life the way other games in this genre have a tendency to do.
The Sixth Axis, 5/10.
Although fans will appreciate Deep Silver bringing the series back from the dead, some will no doubt find themselves alienated by the amount of omissions and alterations found in Sacred 3. With that said, it's still a competent game, even if a little too shallow for fans of the genre.
The Escapist, 3/5.
It's sad, because Sacred 3 can be a lot of fun, and there's plenty of content - even if the world map has locked stages that exist simply to keep trying to sell you downloadable content (seriously, it's gauche as hell). It's just that, for as much content as there is, there's not enough gameplay to keep it exhilarating. Games like Castle Crashers and Dynasty Warriors at least have a lot of characters, leveling options, and unlockables to offer. By comparison, Sacred 3 feels minimalist to a disappointing degree. It's just tiring to keep doing the same thing over and over again, and this is coming from a button mashing fan who generally doesn't mind repetitive combat, provided it does something to keep me energized.
I'll give it one thing though. I've not seen a cast of heroes and villains this diverse in the big-budget gaming sphere in a long, long time. At least there's some variety somewhere in this thing!
Calm Down Tom, 4/5.
Right, to get down to the nitty gritty of it, Sacred 3 is not what fans of the series were expecting. Yes, it's not an RPG with hundreds of hours of gameplay and endless customisation. Yes, shops have been replaced with a simple menu and yes, the game is now a simple hack and slash. But, do you know what? It is a damn good hack and slash game. It delivers everything a good example of the genre should and the silliness just adds to its charm. So where fans of the Sacred series will probably not be blown away by it and should have a think before diving in, newcomers to the series like myself will be pleasantly surprised to find a thoroughly enjoyable hack and slash with a decent multiplayer element. The fact that Sacred 3 is not taking itself too seriously should be a clue we should do the same. Yes, the game isn't perfect but it's a lot of fun.
We Got This Covered, 3.5/5.
Sacred 3 has stripped away most of what makes an ARPG great while doubling down on hopes that its silly narrative will be enough to keep you going. This could very easily end up being a guilty pleasure game for a lot of you; however, there's simply not enough here to make it worth a full price purchase.
Attack of the Fanboy, "Meh".
Deeper combat and customization could have gone a long way in making Sacred 3 a great game. Instead, it's a game with a lot to do, with little reason to do it.
The Xbox Hub, 3/5.
Although there are plenty of hours to be gotten from Sacred 3, it soon becomes slightly boring to the point where you are just tapping a button hoping to get to the end quickly. The voice acting is hit and miss with too many poorly timed or repetitive jokes. There isn't anything it excels at, it's the most loneliest I've felt in a co-op game.