Dragon Age: Inquisition Preview and Video Interview
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Despite the presence of a playable build of the title at EGX, there hasn't been a lot of Dragon Age: Inquisition-themed coverage available recently, but we still managed to round up a preview and an interview for your reading and viewing pleasure.
B-Ten tried the multiplayer mode:
Each multiplayer game has five chambers, each rising in difficulty. They work similarly to how waves worked in ME3's multiplayer, however the key difference being that players can choose when to progress to the next stage.
Potions were severely limited we only had 2 health potions to last us the game but after each stage, there is a restoration point. These restoration points heal all players (regardless of distance), and should any player be far separated from the rest of the group, they will be instantly teleported to the restoration point. This is an instance where communication will be handy, because it doesn't matter if there is a player trying to open a chest away from the group, that person will be teleported away from it. Restoration points also act as a respawn point. Should you fall in battle in the previous stage and no one was able to revive you on the field, you will resurrect at one of the restoration points.
The first and second stages functioned similarly to ME3's first 2 waves. They simply had a number of enemies to wipe out. The third stage had a random objective assigned to it. In my group's run, our objective was to escort an Inquisition messenger through enemy territory. It did not go well for the messenger, who was killed midway through the stage. Failing the objective, however, did not end our game prematurely (thankfully).
The fourth run was similar to the first and second stage, however it was significantly harder, and involved enemy units that are similar to the threat level of Banshees, Scions, and Brutes of ME3. It is important to note that there doesn't appear to be any instant-kill mechanic attached to these units which many ME3 veterans will be happy to hear.
Meanwhile, the folks at Gameon Daily chatted with BioWare's producer Scylla Costa:
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