Might & Magic Heroes VII Town Development Blog, Various Site Updates
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2070

Since the last time we checked, a smattering of updates for Might & Magic Heroes VII has gone live, the most important of which is likely this article on town development in the title, from which I'm going to quote a snippet:
Each faction has its own town structure. Many buildings are common to all factions, but some are specific. Also, as all factions have different approach of architecture, culture and urbanism, therefore towns have a different structure depending on their faction.
For instance, Academy towns have access to Magic Guilds earlier, and can develop specific buildings to improve their Magic Guilds.
Haven towns have fast access to the strongest possible walls. Stronghold towns offer dwellings before more elaborate buildings.
Prices also differ according to each faction, especially since the most elaborate buildings require rare resources, which create different needs in resources for each faction. For instance, Sylvan towns require more starsilver than most, when Stronghold rley a lot on wood.
A classic rule of Heroes games is that each player can only upgrade one of his towns to capital, making it the biggest of his kingdom and that with the largest income. This is also true in Heroes VII.
There are also two more installments of the Tales of the Ten Year Wars (here and here), a look at the Inferno faction, one at the Dungeon faction, and a short Q&A. A snippet from the Q&A:
03) Will the Map Editor have the Event function again? The "blue-ball" in the h5 Editor was one of the most important features for a creator to have. Placing that single object empowered the maker to call for an ambush, a morale change, joining troops, goodies, etc.
[GP] The "blue-ball" is not coming back... but is evolving! Indeed, the Unreal Engine 3 offers great tools to all map makers and modders. In addition to all existing scripts on our database, fans will be able to create and share additional ones to enhance the experience. In this way we hope to offer even more possibilities to all the people willing to create new worlds and fascinating adventures.
04) Will primary attributes return (attack, defense, spell power and knowledge) or will it be like in H6?
[XP] Primary attributes are making their grand come back in Heroes VII. Based on all we learnt from traditional Heroes titles we decided to re-implement them, the only difference will be the nomination of some of them.
05) How will the skill system work this time? Will perks make their return and will skill be random with leveling up?
[XP] The truth is we discussed an option to implement randomization. But in the end we decided to let you choose what skills / abilities you want to unlock. So it will be a kind of mix between H6 (full control is in your hands) and H5 (skills are structured in a wheel). We will develop this point in the following months on our Shadow Council website to give you more details.