Sacred 3 Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1827

It's been awhile since we rounded up a smattering of reviews for Sacred 3, so while they're still not getting any more favorable, it's still worth taking the time to check out the ongoing reception for the action RPG.
Bit-tech gives it a 37%:
Lots of folk have complained in the run up to release that Sacred 3 looks nothing like the previous games. Since I haven't played any of the previous games, that isn't something I can comment on. But I do know this isn't the reason why you should avoid Sacred 3. Instead concern yourself with the repetitive structure, the lacklustre co-op, the uninspired RPG systems, and the hideous, grating dialogue. If you want an action RPG, go play Diablo III. If you want a funny RPG, go play Divinity Original Sin. Whatever you do, leave Sacred 3 well alone, and for goodness sake don't ask it to tell you a joke.
Hardcore Gamer gives it a 3/5:
Sacred went from a varied Diablo clone to a Gauntlet clone, but doesn't live up to either. While it may be a good hack-and-slash appetizer to tide gamers over, it never manages to distinguish itself in the genre. Sacred 3'˜s repetitiveness and extra levels are signs of laziness in game development, and that's hard to overlook as a player. But what's not there is even more telling anything new to write home about.
Lazy Gamer gives it a 4.5/10:
Sacred 3 is a complete let down for fans of the franchise, departing from a formula that has somewhat worked in the past in the hope of attracting a wider audience. Instead of building on features, and borrowing some from games that pull off the action RPG genera to a tee, Sacred 3 is disjointed, boring and just downright bad.
RPG Site gives it a 5/10:
There's nothing wrong with being a hack and slash game, and there's nothing wrong with stripping back RPG elements - both of these things are acceptable even to us RPG fans - but Sacred 3 is ultimately just a bit basic. It's inoffensive and solidly average - but it doesn't stand out from the crowd either.
Gaming Bolt gives it a 1.5/5:
There is nothing precious to be found in Sacred 3. Gameplay is as mindless as is the AI itself, visuals are sub-par, and the writing is, giving it as much credit as i am willing to muster, simply terrible. When the game does seem to want to try challenge, it only manages frustration. Judging it as it's own thing does it no favours, and it's probably a bigger betrayal to people who actually followed the series. All wit aside, use fire to burn.
TechGage stays away from a score:
In all, Sacred 3 is really a disappointment. From a hardcore, open-world, stat obsessed, loot-fest, to a casual, arcade dungeon crawler; the mighty truly has fallen. If the game had been called anything else, it might have gained a better reception, but in this case, the name really played against it and set unrealistic expectations. With a launch price of $50, and to be given a casual game that can be easily completed in 10 hours, it makes you wonder where the money went. I do not like to give negative reviews, but in this case, it's hard not to. Perhaps it should have been called Sacred Citadel 2.
True PC Gaming doesn't score it, either:
I cannot help but feel that Sacred 3 has been damaged by its title. Players expecting an experience in the vein of Sacred 1 or Sacred 2 will be highly disappointed. Sacred 3 would have been better off handled as a spin-off like Sacred Citadel, being priced and named accordingly. People wanting to spend some time in a hack and slash style action RPG without the need to manage loot drops, are likely to get some enjoyment from this. But the hurdle upon reaching level 25 is bound to put many of those off. While I enjoyed my time with Sacred 3, it still feels like a budget game unfortunately priced higher than it should have been.
And, finally, Zero Punctuation gives it the usual Yahtzee treatment.