Divinity: Original Sin Patch v1.0.219 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 3948

A new patch for Divinity: Original Sin and its toolkit has been released, one that brings a plethora of fixes, balance changes and small functionality tweaks to Larian's turn-based RPG. Here's the full changelog:
Story/Game play:
- Fixed start of fight conditions for Witch Cabin fight with Immaculate Mage
- Fixed Arrest scenes in Cyseal (mortician for example), while using a forbidden door during arrest sequence
- Fixed issue with Watcher/imps quest not completing
- Fixed companion dialogues when they were being triggered at the same time in multi-player
- Fixed issue with performing crimes when the guards are already talking to another player
- Fixed dialogue issue with Zixzax in Luculla forest (Homestead attack warning)
- Added reactions when characters are blinded
- Prevent start listening when already in a dialogue
- Fixed issue where sheathe/unsheathe state could get out of sync
- You can listen to NPC's too now, instead of only player characters
- Added option to turn off camera shake
- Fixed issue where a sitting animation could get stuck
- Projectiles can be shot over knocked down enemies now
- Fixed issue when a peer disconnects during listening
- Fixed issue where characters sometimes stop following their master
- "Target is out of sight" is shown now instead of "Target is too far" when blinded
- When healing someone in combat, you will immediately join the combat as well
- No longer possible to fumble applying wet status
- Dialogue history is synced to characters who join in a dual dialogue now
- Fixed issue where names disappeared from the dialogue logs after a load
- It is no longer possible to send teleporter pyramids to the homestead
- Added armor damage UI element
- Fixed issue where the combat log got smaller after each load
- Weapon damage % is now always shown in skill descriptions
- Fixed game freeze in the lobby menu, when failing to join a Steam lobby through the Steam tool
- Fixed several crashes reported to us via support mails. Thank you!
- Fixed issue with "almost broken" icon not showing on equipment
- Items that require targeting now also show active state in tool bar
- Remove active animation in tool bar when slot is cleared
- Combat log resize now uniform with resizing chat log
- Fixed journal for keeping element in view
- Journal: scroll into view disabled
- Combat log scroll issue fixed
- Combat log: fixed getting smaller after load
- Fixed crash when removing items from story
- Skill descriptions now always show amount of damage from weapon, even if it's 100%
- Extra support for playing specific effects on skills
- Fixes for main menu and create profile specifically for the Mac AppStore
- Fixed AI personalities for 3-way dialogues
- Gender of player character now stays correct after transform (e.g. after char creation or respec)
- It is no longer possible to send the teleporter pyramids to the Homestead
- Consumables can now do damage
- 4Player Mod crash fix
- Mac: OS X Yosemite compatibility fixes
- Mac: Game Center Integration so that users can connect cross-platform
- Mac: Arrow keys are now correctly mapped for the interface (Load/Save) & World éŠ'˜ and é Æ’ keys did not close their respective panels
- Mac: Added Multi-threaded OpenGL renderer (use defaults write com.larian.dos ThreadedGL -bool true)
- Mac: Added automatic workaround for Yosemite users with the following cards:
NVidia 330M
NVidia 320M
NVidia 9400 based
NVidia 8600 based
If the game locks up for you in Yosemite please use the following command in the Terminal:
defaults write com.larian.dos ShaderBasedClear -bool true
After that, please send us the name and brand of your video card.
- Rebalanced troll zombie near the church of Cyseal
- Rebalanced shambling mound near the church of Cyseal
- Rebalanced fire skeletons near the church of Cyseal
- Rebalanced stats of a lot of characters in Hiberheim and Luculla
- Tweaked script priorities of some Dark Forest characters
- Rebalanced the undead in the Temple of the Dead in the Phantom Forest so that these fights are more challenging (late game stats)
- Fixed stats for characters in the Luculla Mines
- Fixed equipment for Luculla Immaculate students
- All goblins can now carry Tenebrium items without getting rot
- Can no longer teleport Guardian in Hiberheim
- AI will no longer make ally invisible if ally is kd, stunned, petrified or weak and will prefer melee chars
- Fixed Infernal Chimera script in Cyseal
- Fixed range for Spiderling in Black Cove
- Fixed water ball disappearing in Giant Spider fight in Black Cove
- Daggers Drawn fix: now costs 6 AP instead of 8 AP because a single dagger attack costs 2 AP
- Vampiric Touch fix: now does as much damage as the caster heals from it
- Voodoo Dolls fix: now costs 4 AP instead of zero
- Flurry does less damage if you do not keep your STR up to level
- All healing Skills are tweaked so that the higher level healing skills are better than the low level healing skills
- Fixed Cloak and Dagger so that it now does leave a smoke cloud on jump
- The damage of Flare, Small Fireball, Ice Shard and Blitz Bolt now levels up less aggressively
- Piercing Ice Shard does a little more damage as you invest more in INT
- Teleportation does less damage if you do not keep your INT up to level
- Survivors Karma costs 6 AP now and also affects critical chance
- Trip fix: Trip no longer requires a dagger
- Clarified Cloak And Dagger tooltip
- Clarified Flurry and Daggers Drawn tooltip
- Fixed saving throws for Vampiric Touch, Soul Sap, Nullify Resistances, Lower Resistances
- Damage boosts of Oath of Desecration and Rage no longer stack
Design and balancing:
- Sneaking characters no longer trigger Attack of Opportunity
- Balanced Arhu's stats, skills and equipment
- Arhu now has the same stats and skills and equipment in all the regions
- Blocked off areas in Luculla Forest where you could walk over lava
- Fixed greeting nodes of Alfie, Homestead elementals, Dark Forest spirit and Jinxika so that voices fit
- Sentinel statues in King's Tomb have no use so they are no longer clickable (this was confusing)
- Fixed reset of guards in Luculla when they die
- Added extra check for waypoint shrine teleport in Homestead to only happen when the active region is the Homestead
- Trade option fix for shared dialogs when the clicked actor isn't the first speaker
- You can no longer talk to Ralfie after the Kadraskaz fight; if you have Pet Pal, he will talk to you
- Healing skills now actually last as long as the tooltip says they do
- Braccus' axe drop is now human size and not oversized
- Poisoned food now also does poison damage instead of only setting the poisoned status
- Fixed item combos: Orc horn, big chicken claw, Mysterious fabric dye
- Fixed Acid Breath skillbook and scroll name (was Ooze Spray)
- Fixed "OneShot" Automated Dialog triggers (e.g. Orc in Luculla prison never entered dialog and never became hostile)
- Fixed tooltips for items that said "Equip: x AP" when they should have said "Use: x AP" because you cannot equip an apple
- Fixed consume setting for bone item so that item does what tooltip says
- Added 4 Kickstarter henchmen
- Fixed Maradino using Elemental Havoc
- Fixed Spider in Black Cove skipping turns
- Fixed digging spot in Luculla Mine
- Fixed Wolf in Hiberheim saying "Vengeance"
- Fixed Fear conditions of Rafflesia in Luculla
- Fixed Demon dialog in Dark Forest
- Fixed missing text in Rat catcher dialog, Well dialog, Wardens dialog
- Fixed animation used on enemies when casting Mass Slow
- Fixed mix up of names for Fiery Heart and Bottle of Swirling Mud
- Fixed ADs of prisoners in Silverglen
- Fixed stats of Weresheep armor
- Fix for spamming "locked" on open door in Inner Sanctum
- Fix for mushrooms in Luculla looping dialog
- Fixed AI grid in the Immaculate cathedral in Luculla
- Fixed faction of the Luculla Mushrooms and their summons as they enter combat
- Fixed Maelodia opening doors
- Special arrows now either do no damage, half weapon damage, or full weapon damage, nothing in between
- Fix for quickly clicking disappearing forcefield in Boreas' castle
- Fixed trading with Bicky
- Fixed dialog in Cyseal Warehouse
- Fix for touching Bairdotr's cage after she is freed through teleportation
- Fix for Esmeralda's door closing
- Fix for Braccus fight exploit
- Fix for Boreas fight exploit
- Fixed Mortician and General Store signs
- Moved key to Esmeralda's basement to a less obvious place
- Fix for Jareth being mentioned after he's dead
- Moved around magical blocking boosts in the generation classes so that there is one per class
- Too many different shields were available at low level, treasure generation will no longer choose the weak shields to drop
- Magic generation will generate less elemental resistance boosts on equipment other than shields
- Magic will no longer generate immunity boosts to crippled, petrified, stunned, frozen, on normal equipment, only on shields
- Improved elemental res boost on shields
- Can no longer sit on nightstands even if they do look a lot like barstools
- Magic generation can now select new crit boosts
- Arhu, Jake, Evelyn, Thelyron, Bellegar and Astarte have a chance to crit
- Footstep effects for animals
- Effects for Fatality and Shadow Strike
- Fixed the Magical Unlock effect and animation
- Fixed Targeted Bless effect and added impact
- Characters no longer walk up in the air in the Knight's Tomb
- Updated icons (enemy portraits and items)
- Icons for Weresheep ghost, roasted pork, Well Teleport scroll, Pirate archer, Raw Meat
- Fixed floating scenery, water tiles, intersecting planes
- Fixed skinning in male hero's neck
- New sound effects and ambiances
- Fixed a lot of stability issues in the Divinity Engine
- Exposed death type to scripts