Pillars of Eternity Backer Beta v435 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2984

What is possibly the last and certainly the latest version of the Pillars of Eternity backer beta has been released today. It includes a large number of fixes and tweaks, including the first iteration of the game's alternative Solid UI.
The full changelog:
Fixed Issues:
- Players can no longer move around with 0 health.
- Capes no longer clip with armor on the character's model.
- Hired adventurers no longer spawn inside of one of your characters.
- Mods and Enchants that affect accuracy are now showing in the character sheet and inventory calculations.
- The stash interface in shop UI was converted to the same page system that the stash uses otherwise.
- Transition icons that are hidden to the user no longer become visible and usable after save/load.
- If you convince Medreth and his party to leave the Boar Companion will now follow.
- The displayed Accuracy value should now properly reflect the bonus granted by wielding a 1-handed weapon with no offhand equipment.
- Offhand weapon accuracy no longer overwrites base accuracy.
- The Bronze Beneath the Lake - Cladhaliath spear is no longer invisible in-game.
- Boar Companion from Medreth's party no longer appears on every map if you save/load in Dyrford Village.
- Mods for an attack are no longer duplicated if a character is stopped from completing an attack action.
- Combat Music is now playing properly.
- Memory usage no longer increases by 300-800MB after 1-2 save/loads or transitions.
- Save files no longer become unreadable if PC loses power supply while the game is running.
- Item tooltips often appear in front of the inventory and loot UI.
- Distortion type FX no longer make UI elements disappear.
- Spells and abilities are now changing the cursor state after use or when the user attempts to cancel the action.
- Any Mods on acquired items now properly function after save/load
- Missing male Godlike heads have returned.
- Dexterity affects action speed now.
- Visual elements and animated VFX on the action bar and character portraits are now properly hidden when Inventory/Character sheet are opened.
- Art for scouting mode now aligns with selection circles.
- Now able to open trapped containers after discovering the trap.
- Difficulty changes take effect immediately now.
- On death load now functions if an entire party is knocked out while one party member is dominated.
- Best of weapons are now correctly displaying the damage type that they are using in the combat log.
- "Trap Triggered!" barks no longer last a long time.
- Crash when running public backer beta on Mac OSX Yosemite has been fixed.
- Knock Down no longer becomes stuck in the "already activated" state if the target is gibbed before Knock Down resolves.
- Abilities with very long descriptions are easier to read in character creation and level up. AI will no longer move into standard range if they are commanded to cast at a distant target despite Perception range bonus.
- Now able to equip shields in your right hand.
- Paladin's description is no longer missing the word "Health" after x5.
- The client no longer loads in paused if you save a paused game, close the client, and loading that game via the front end continue button.
- Wizard's grimoire no longer appears in character's offhand while some types of weapons are equipped. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Time stamp text size on saved games is now larger. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Items held by NPCs in fog can now be perceived correctly. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Abilities shown in character creation, below the Class banner, no longer display "Right-Click for details" in their tooltip descriptions. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Double clicking sound effect is no longer present when users press buttons in game menus. - NEEDS VERIFICATION If the Ranger or their Companion are knocked out near an enemy while the other is far away, they will no longer repeatedly fall unconscious. - NEEDS VERIFICATION If you hire an adventurer when you have a full party, the adventurer will no longer be made with no items. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Mip settings have been adjusted to complement our default zoom ranges. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Knock Down now has the same range as standard melee. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- The "Next Tab" keybinding is no longer hard coded to the Tab key. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- If Knock Down was used to start a fight with a friendly target, they were not knocked prone. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Hiring a 7th Party member and removing a BB Companion caused transitions to break progression. This should no longer be the case. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
- Ranges for Miss/Graze/Hit/Crit were off by one number. - NEEDS VERIFICATION
Known Issues:
- Save/Load Menu should be organized by date created, not alphabetical.
- The Bloody Slaughter talent does not have a description in the Level Up screen.
- Brilliant Radiance is causing too much damage.
- Culture Bonuses applied before selection.
- Character shadows on the East and West sides of Dyrford Village disappear after Save/Load.
- Hovering over hidden objects (either hidden containers or traps) causes the default cursor to appear.
- Container UI placement/panning limits allow the interface to appear offscreen in higher resolutions.
- Passive (White) text in the Combat Log is showing decimal numbers as zero.
- Stormwall Gorge displays lines on the left and right side of the Area Map that show through the Fog of War.
- Wizards are not holding their grimoire in character creation.
- Abilities on the action bar are being duplicated when a hotkey is applied to them.
- Animals and Critters (such as Deer) should run away from the party.
- Unable to inspect spells that are greyed out in a Grimoire.
- When characters are given a movement command they all begin running in unison, perfectly synced.
- Abilities granted by items are added to character's quick bar permanently after save/load cycle.
Obsidian Entertainment recently announced that the full game will be released on March 26th.