Underrail Development Log #38: v0.1.14.0 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2028

The latest development log for Underrail serves to inform us that the Early Access build of the title has received yet another update. Judging by the changelog, it's not exactly a small update either:
- Items
- Added Flashbang blueprint
- Added EMP grenades Mk II and Mk III
- Rathound Regalia mechanical damage reduction changed to 20% (down from 25%) and all heat damage taken while wearing it increased by 100%
- Burrower Burger, Eel Sandwich and Cave Hopper Steak now grant 1 point in their respective stats (down from 2)
- Mushroom Brew no longe affects agility and preception and dexterity penalties changed to -2 (don from -3)
- Consuming Mushroom Brew will now give you an empty bottle
- Shock and incendiary bolts and acid blob traps mk III should no longer appear in shops or as random loot and mk II should now be quite rare
- Healing from regenerative vests buffed; regenerative armors can no longer be recharged during combat
- Finding psionic headband with an enhancement is now rare and you can no longer find one with two enhancements (you'll have to craft it)
- Regular tactical vest visual model updated
- Creatures
- Added cats
- Tweaks
- Max player character level increased to 25
- Base classic kill XP per target level increased slightly
- Crafting requirements for components scaling with quality lowered to 80% of the original value
- Removed composition difficulty from many optional component slots
- Reduced the cost of firing energy pistols (not retroactive, just for new ones)
- NPCs now use EMP grenades; you've been warned
- Increased the range and max range of assault rifles; this will indirectly reduce burst imprecision (not retroactive)
- Warhogs have been buffed
- Dirty Rags now require 10 tailoring (down from 25)
- Recycling stuff made of fabric will now also produce dirty rags
- Pack hunting now also increases attack skill in addition to damage, so rathounds in groups will hit you more easily
- NPCs will no longer attempt to disarm traps that are too hard for them
- NPC suspicion bar now degrades very slowly over time (updated when you re-enter the area)
- Explosive barrel damage increased
- Slightly reduced the number of mutated dogs in Depot A
- Muties and regular dogs no longer respawn in Depot A
- Forcefield cooldown changed to 8 turns (down from 12)
- Plasma Sentry no longer loses the rest of its turn when it switches back into mobile form
- Crawler poison can no longer be refreshed, so having it applied multiple times will no longer delay the stuff
- Reduced the fatigue effect duration after adrenaline expires to adrenaline duration + 1 turn Bear trap weight halved
- Toxic Gas grenades now apply "Contaminated" debuff which increases all damage taken Feats
- Requirements for various feats re-balanced
- Shroomhead - feat disabled, pending redesign
- Taste for Blood - now also grants a stack whenever you deal a killing blow regardless of whether the target had bleeding wounds or not
- Power Management - changed to now always provide 35% extra energy capacity
- Uncanny Dodge - You now dodge 2 + 1 extra attack per 30 dodge; cooldown changed to 6 turns (up from 3)
- Spec Ops - now correctly only works with SMGs
- Opportunist - now works with throwing knives as well
- Thick Skull - Cannot be stunned, only dazed
- Concentrated Fire - Each hit from from burst attack increases the damage from further burst hits by 10%. Stacks 10 times.
- Commando - Killing an opponent using burst attack will grant you an extra free burst attack that can be performed in the same turn. This can only happen once every turn.
- Pinning - Your throwing knives have 35% chance to pin living targets to the ground for 1 turn.
- Fatal Throw - Throwing knives always critically hit against targets below 25% health. Killing a target with a knife throw will refund 18 action points.
- Split Spare - When throwing knives you throw an extra one at a nearby target that's within the attack cone.
- Ripper - Critical hit damage with knives and throwing knives increased by 1% for each 1% of the target's missing health. Applied multiplicatively to regular critical damage bonus.
- Critical Power - For each 1% of weapon or unarmed critical damage bonus above 100%, you gain an additional 1.5% critical damage bonus
- Expertise - Your non-critical firearm, crossbow, and melee attacks deal additional mechanical damage equal to your level.
- Blitz - Grants you an ability that when invoked will instantly convert all your movement points to action points, granting you 1 action point for each 3 movement points. Cooldown 10 turns.
- Point Shot - Grants you the ability to perform a quick pistol, SMG or assault rifle attack that costs 50% of the standard action point cost but has reduced precision. Cooldown: 1 turn. Survival Instincts - Increases the chance to critically hit with weapons, unarmed attacks and psi abilities by 30% while under 30% health.
- Stoicism - You receive 1% less damage from all sources for each 4% health missing. Escape Artist - Grants you the ability to remove all immobilization effects. Cooldown: 2 turns.
- Rapid Fire - Fire three bullets from any firearm except the sniper. Chance to hit falls drastically beyond optimal range.
- Juggernaut - Total health increased by 25% while wearing armor with armor penalty of 50% or higher.
- Fast Metabolism - All healing increased by 50% and psi boosters restore extra 25 psi. Heavyweight - You add your total armor penalty to the critical damage bonus of sledgehammer, fist weapon and unarmed attacks.
- Super Slam - An attack with a sledgehammer that does normal damage plus 20% of attacker's maximum health. Cooldown: 3 turns.
- Sure Step - You can safely navigate caltrops and puddles of acid.
- Guard - You have 50% chance to block melee mechanical damage equal to twice your strength.
- Deadly Snares - Your crossbow attacks always critically hit against targets caught in bear traps and acidic entanglements.
- Gun Nut - Increases the upper damage range of all firearms you create by 20%.
- Skinner - The quality of leathers counts as if 20% higher in all your crafts.
- Armor Sloping - Reduces the armor penalty originating from metal plates when crafting armor by 35% (multiplicative).
- Clothier - The quality of fabrics counts as if 20% higher in all your crafts.
- Mad Chemist - On-hit effects of chemical pistols you create are twice as strong.
- Weaponsmith - Knives and sledgehammers that you create have 5% higher critical hit chance.
- Practical Physicist - Critical damage bonus of energy weapons you create is increased by 25% (additive).
- Ballistics - Carrier vests give additional 3 mechanical damage threshold when you use them in crafting.
- Neurology - Psi Headbands you create also provide additional 15 maximum psi points. UI
- Items will no longer get equipped when you double click them while holding ALT or CTRL (so you can rapidly alt-click transfer stuff now)
- Interface will no longer register single clicks as double clicks if they are fired rapidly after a double click
- Fixed the slowdown that occurred when opening quest notes once you've got a lot of notes in there; also fixed weird spacing issues in that window
- Added scroll bar to crafted item view
- Bugs
- Game will no longer crash when you return to the secret hideout of a secret organization in a certain place
- The electro room in the Gauntlet crash fixed
- Fixed the bug that caused the level up to cancel without allowing you to restart it when pressing ESC when confirmation dialog appears and then again after that
- Fixed the bug that caused the respawning creatures not to respawn when loading an autosave
- TNT charges will now trigger explosive traps and other similar objects in their blast radius Fixed the bug that caused melee special attacks to have their visual and sound effects trigger at the beginning of the animation instead of at the moment of impact
- Arena enemies will no longer turn their shields off before combat like idiots
- Fixed the bug that sometimes caused bandaging to abort if you were right on the minimal health limit
- You can no longer drop things into a standard container without opening it
- You can no longer burst people who are not in the same area. For example, using burst while fighting in arena and bursting people below it, thus being branded a witch and sentenced to death
- Fix the bug that caused Telekinetic Proxy to not clone your abilities if it was positioned just to the side of the target
- Guard at Epione Lab will no attack you after letting you pass in certain situations You will now always be able to exit Holloway's dialog
- Other various quest and dialog bugs