The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Patch v1.04/1.05 Out on PC and PS4
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Patch v1.05 for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now out on PC. It includes a large number of fixes, and a few quality of life and performance improvements. The patch is currently available on GOG and Steam. Here's a changelog that mentions most fixes and changes included:
- Fixes a possible exploit by preventing certain drowners from respawning infinitely.
- Improves the distribution of experience points gained by completing quests with recommended levels lower than the player character level.
- Merchants now offer more weapon types.
- Rebalances the prices of maps that can be purchased from merchants.
- Clarifies a number of crafting diagrams.
- Fixes an exploit whereby players could buy sea shells and sell the pearls inside them at a higher price.
- Increases the variety of loot dropped throughout the game.
- Increases the variety of items available in shops.
- Shops now only offer weapons with levels matching or exceeding the player character level.
- Slightly reduces the amount of coin dropped from chests and monsters.
- Deploys the Bovine Defense Force Initiative.
- Fixes an issue where runestones could not be upgraded to greater runestones.
- Reduces the spawn time of selected groups of NPCs.
- Geralt no longer interacts with candles placed near chests and other openable objects.
- Improves the smoothness of camera movement.
- Fixes a number of issues related to horseback riding.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not deflect arrows/bolts at longer distances.
- Introduces a number of fixes in in-game communities.
- Introduces a number of fixes related to combat.
- Vitality begins to drop if Toxicity exceeds 80%, as originally intended.
- Fixes an issue where Geralt was sometimes unable to mount Roach.
- Improves Geralt's movement, especially when he swims.
- Fixes an issue whereby Geralt could be attached to a sinking boat while aiming his crossbow.
- Fixes a number of issues related to Vitality regeneration.
- Fixes an issue whereby certain actions could be randomly blocked during gameplay.
- Fixes a rare issue whereby Geralt could not mount Roach after fast travelling between points.
- Fixes a number of minor tooltip and wording bugs.
- Adds a series of color-blind friendly features. Improves visibility of tracks, marks, footprints and scent clues. Color-blind friendly features can be enabled in the Options\Gamplay submenu.
- Introduces a number of additional fixes to alt + tabbing.
- Fixes an issue where The Witcher 3 process did not close properly if the user did not have XAUDIO installed.
- Introduces a number of general stability and performance improvements.
- Fixes an issue where in certain situations the game could crash while a save was being loaded.
- Adds some missing translations in localized versions.
- Ciri can no longer unlock fast travel points.
- Improves the behavior of sails when viewed from longer distances.
- Improves performance in selected scenes and cutscenes.
- Fixes an issue where clouds and fog could flicker on some hardware configurations.
- Fixes an issue where Geralt could pass through walls in the fish market in Novigrad.
- Removes repeated sound cues on entry into GUI panels a second time.
- Adds a collision near Kaer Gelen that could cause the player to be blocked inside the building.
- Improves the scale of selected elements of the GUI and HUD.
- Introduces a number of bug fixes and user experience improvements in the GUI panels.
- Introduces a number of small changes in the UI for gwent.
- Improves the alignment of the HUD for the 21:9, 4:3 and 5:4 screen ratios.
- Disables "Input device changed" messages and adds options to disable on-screen combat feedback and floating tags above NPCs.
- Adds an information prompt and Journal entries related to new DLC packages.
- Fixes an issue where some formulae were not displayed in the Alchemy panel when the player possessed level 1 of said formulae.
- Introduces a number of fixes in key bindings.
- Introduces new filters for the Alchemy and Crafting panels.
- Fixes a number of minor issues where music tracks were not triggered in their designated locations.
- Fixes an issue where some players could not interact with an object during the Pyres of Novigrad quest.
- Fixes an issue where some players could not make Geralt run after the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Fixes an issue where players could not talk to Octo after the Lord of Undvik quest.
- Reduces the number of Wild Hunt minions spawned during the Ciri's Story: Fleeing the Bog quest.
- Fixes an issue where Keira could sometimes fall beneath the terrain during the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Fixes an issue where certain actions were blocked during the Blindingly Obvious quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not activate a portal during the Wandering in the Dark quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could get trapped in the ruins of Tuirseach Castle.
- Geralt can now always play gwent with Madame Serenity.
- Fixes an issue where Vernon Roche would not appear at the Hanged Man's Tree during the Eye for an Eye quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not talk or otherwise interact with certain NPCs.
- Fixes an issue where the sirens in the Lord of Undvik quest could be invincible.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions after the Carnal Sins quest.
- Fixes an issue where some players experienced an infinite loading screen during the King's Gambit quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could experience a progression break after choosing a certain dialogue option when talking to Dijkstra in the Count Reuven's Treasure quest.
- Fixes an issue where Simun did not spawn properly during the Unpaid Debt quest.
- Fixes an issue in the Contract: The Oxenfurt Drunk quest where the katakan was not hostile after being lured.
- Fixes an issue in the Contract: Shrieker quest where the shrieker was not hostile in certain situations.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not perform certain actions in the Master of the Arena quest.
- Fixes an issue where wolves were not visible in the Contract: Mysterious Tracks quest.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not fast travel under certain rare circumstances.
- Fixes an issue where the player could not interact with Hattori during the Swords and Dumplings quest.
- The player can no longer take on the Apiarian Phantom contract multiple times.
- Fixes an issue where some players could not progress during the Broken Flowers quest.
- Fixes an issue whereby the "Novigrad, Closed City" entry might have remained in the Journal indefinitely.
- Fixes an issue in the Return to Crookback Bog quest where monsters were spawned inside a building.
- Players can no longer prematurely obtain a key from a halfling, thus blocking the Contract: The Apiarian Phantom quest.
- Fixes an issue in the Greedy God quest where the player could kill a monster twice.
- Adds fail-safes for players being unable to obtain gwent cards after Dijkstra or Lambert can no longer be found in the game.
- Fixes an issue whereby Triss could get stuck on a set of stairs after a scene during the Now or Never quest.
- Fixes an issue where Ermion could not leave Lugos' area during the Sunstone quest.
A patch v1.04 is also reportedly out on PlayStation 4 in North America. Reddit user "chains-" has snapped a couple of shots of the changelog from the PS4 GUI (link here) from which I'm going to quote:
- Introduces a number of general stability and performance improvements
- Improves the scale of selected elements of the GUI and HUD
- Adds a series of color-blind friendly features. Improves visibility of tracks, marks, footprints and scent clues. Color-blind friendly features can be enabled in the Options/Gameplay submenu
- Adds an information prompt and Journal entries related to new DLC packages
- Improves the distribution of experience points gained by completing quests with recommended levels lower than the player character level
- Fixed a rare issue whereby Geralt could not mount Roach after fast travelling between points
- Fixes an issue where some players could not interact with an object during the Pyres of Novigrad quest
- Introduces a number of fixes in in-game communities
- Introduces a number of fixes related to combat
- Fixes a number of issues related to horseback riding
- Disables "Input device changed" messages and adds options to disable on-screen combat feedback and floating tags above NPCs
- Improves Geralt's movement, especially when he swims
- Rebalances the price of maps that can be purchased from merchants
- Improves the smoothness of camera movement
- Fixes an issue where in certain situations the game could crash while a save was being loaded
- Introduces a number of bug fixes and user experience improvements in the GUI panels