XCOM: Enemy Unknown Vita Port Surfaces on ESRB Listing
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1379

A listing for a PlayStation Vita port of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, titled simply XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus, has surfaced on the ESRB. I don't remember a listing from ESRB ever turning out to be fake so I really wouldn't be surprised if the port was announced in the near future. However, I do wonder why XCOM: Enemy Unknown is being ported to the PlayStation Vita in the first place.
Going from the title, it sounds like the base game without the expansion, which makes it a less enticing proposition than the PC version. Additionally, there's already a mobile port of the game and the PlayStation Vita is pretty much a dead platform, as evidenced by the recent lack of support from Sony. I suppose it's good for owners of the portable console, as XCOM is a pretty good game in its own right, provided the port is good. I still distinctly remember the attention the Borderlands 2 port received, and that one turned out to be less than impressive in terms of framerate.
Thanks, Eurogamer.