Might & Magic Heroes VII v1.6 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 3835

Ubisoft and Limbic recently released a version 1.6 patch for Might & Magic Heroes VII, marking yet another chapter in the team's progress toward a bug-reduced and optimized installment in the strategy/RPG series. This particular update also includes a new skirmish map and Steam Workshop integration, so there's quite a bit to be excited about:
- [Fixed] Start growth of elite dwellings of all factions (did not correspond to the growth rate).
- [Fixed] An issue that would have a creature deal altered damage during its morale turn, if it had a critical hit or grazing hit during its regular turn.
- [Fixed] Dialog at the end of a combat is not shown anymore if the combat is restarted via the pause menu.
- [Fixed] An issue that would have creatures with certain abilities ignore and remove the Shadow Cloak buff.
- [Fixed] An issue that would make the first creature lose the initiative bonus from "Hotheaded" when you would prepare and then unprepare the hero atatck during its turn.
- [Fixed] An issue that would make the Sylvan Ballista attack twice even when attacking a target without a mark on it, if the hero has Natures Revenge on Expert rank.
- [Fixed] "Nature's Wrath" ability (when a stack with marks on it died, the magic increase from the ability would not be removed).
- [Fixed] Wrong power value of Moon Doe (was the same as Sun Deer)
- [Implemented] A Tutorial Map is now available in the Tutorial Menu.
- [Implemented] Added new neutral elite creature "Efreet".
- [Implemented] Support for Steam Workshop.
- [Improved] Content Scanning when enterring the menu.
- [Fixed] Animation speeds for creatures affected by TimeControl spell
- [Fixed] Breath of Light of the Gold Dragon. It affects now the correct area.
- [Fixed] Sound corruption when hovering creatures using spells that push them
- [Fixed] Hero stats not updating when trading/equipping/unequipping items in trade window.
- [Fixed] Animation getting stuck in recruitment window when switching aoc's
- [Improved] A limit to the combat Idle animations to make them scale with CombatSpeed only up to 200%
- Reduced gold cost of elite and champion creatures.
- Decreased bonus of core dwelling growth upgrades.
- Set damage type of Pixies and Sprites to "Might".
- Increased cooldown of Dragon Vein from daily to weekly.
- Nerfed the spells Retribution, Celestial Armour and Sylanna's Bounty.
- Reduced randomness in Fire Wall spell damage variation.
- Reduced mana cost of Regeneration spell and regeneration resurrects dead creatures.
- Nerfed Warlord's Fury ability.
- Changed Archery ability to buff the attack value of ranged creature instead of increasing their range.
- Increased damage of fire magic and water magic ultimate abilities (Fire Mantle, Frostbite).
- Buffed Paragon skill rank effects.
- Changed bonus of "Gladiator Helmet" to +2 Might
Level Design:
- [Fixed] Crash in the lobby when the host started the game and one of the players unchecked being ready.
- [Fixed] Game going OOS (Out of Syncs) when the AI attacked the player during AI's turn.
- [Fixed] Game going OOS when starting a second match in a row on maps with a Merchant building.
- [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases right at the start of the match
- [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases after a combat duo to Exp discrepancy.
- [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases during the AI's turn.
- [Fixed] Game going OOS in rare cases duo to Resource discrepancy.
- [Fixed] Game going OOS after loading a multiplayer savegame.
- [Fixed] GUI being available to early for the Host while still being in AI's turn.
- [Fixed] A bug where some singleplayer Cheat effects could be carried over to a multiplayer match.
- [Fixed] A possible crash when trying to load a Multiplayer Savegame while not connected to the internet.
- [Fixed] Adventure map hero tooltip getting displayed during another players combat.
- [Fixed] Engaging AI players in Sim turns leading to the game getting Stuck.
- [Fixed] Wrong heroes getting selected automatically in sim turns when coming back from another players combat.
- [Fixed] Wrong heroes getting selected automatically in sim turns sometimes when another player does certain actions
- [Implemented] When another player starts a combat in sim turns, there is now a 3 seconds window in which you get notified about it and can still finish whatever you are currently doing.
- [Implemented] When a necromancy popup is forced to be closed (for example when another players starts a combat) the remaining stacks are getting automatically merged into the heroes army.
- [Implemented] Global Cooling skirmish map
- [Implemented] Two autumn, Sylvan themed combat maps
- Scenario Mirym's Journey
- [Fixed] Obelisk Hunt Quest Markers would not disappear after visiting the Obelisk
- Scenario The Story of Solmyr and the Efreet
- [Fixed] Player can choose Factions for AI 4
- Irresponsible Wars
- [Fixed] Area of control of 'player 5' to include Sawmill.
- [Fixed] An unreachable stack of creatures in the top right corner of the surface.
- Ivan Map 2
- [Fixed] A conversation between Seamus and Wilhelm where you could see Wilhelm in both sides of the dialogue.
- Stronghold 3
- [Fixed] Map will not end if an enemy remains on the Castelroc-island
- Stronghold 4
- [Fixed] House Materia would not end his turn after fighting in the Fort
- [Improvement] Questmarker for Quest Teamwork added
- Necropolis 3
- [Fixed] Sounds of previous Sequence are playing after loading a savegame
- Necropolis 5
- [Fixed] Missleading Questmarker for Quest "Expand the Well of Souls" (note: not for existing savegames)
- Academy 2
- [Fixed] Masfars Ultimate Paragon Skill has no description
- Haven 3
- [Fixed] Pressing ESC to skip Intro leads to a blocker
- Haven 2
- [Fixed] Skipping Dialogues with ESC leads to a blocker
- Script Editor
- * New triggers
- * Hero won at Battle Site
- * Hero lost at Battle Site
- * New conditions
- * Quest is pending/activated/completed/failed
- * Event is activated/deactivated
- * Player is from Faction
- * Building is from Faction
- * Army has Creatures
- * Army has Creatures from Faction
- * Army is commanded by Hero
- * Army is commanded by Hero from Faction
- * Army is controlled by Player
- * Army is controlled by Player from Faction
- * New actions
- * Activate Event
- * Deactivate Event
- * Fire Event
- * Fail Quest
- * Advance Quest Objective Stage
- * Complete Objective
- * Fail Objective
- * Remove Minimap Tracking Object
- * Set Dwelling Creatures Pool
- * Set Town Dwelling Creature Pool
- [Fixed] PlayerStarts spawn Heroes that are disabled from map properties
- [Fixed] Some Heroes appear twice in the Heroes tool on creating a Scenario mapModified the [Fixed] Template maps to have to also include the 1.4 Patch saturation changes
- [Fixed] The Editor doesn't prompt the user to save the map on clicking the Publish Map button
- [Improved] Learn Spell for Hero" action checks prerequisites and gives visual feedback if the spell is learnt
- [Fixed] Dark lighting in the Editor's minimap and 2D views
- [Fixed] Forbidden spells could still appear in Arcane Shrines
- [Fixed] that the Editor doesn't prompt the user to save the map on clicking the Publish Map button[
- Fixed] Dwellings set up to sell random elite creatures sold champion creatures instead
- * Fixed maps with underground having incorrect area sizes caused by inconsistencies in the underground size setting
- * Fixed some buildings sinking into the terrain
- * Speed optimization
- * Increased the size of the Normal template and tweaked it to allow 4 players
- * Building placement balancing and tweaks
- * Fixed a crash from selecting 200% neutral army strength
- [Improved] Transfer Hero Artifacts" action gives visual feedback about the transfered artifacts
- [Improved] Modified the Template maps to have to also include the 1.4 Patch saturation changes
- [Improved] Added visual feedback if creatures are received
- [Improved] Polished Editor GUI
- [Implemented] Any change in Event state will now update quest status
- [Implemented] Mermaid to Creature Tool
- [Implemented] Custom Heroes/Artifacts are now listed first
- [Implemented] Added Steam Workshop publishing tool (Steam SKU Only) which allows to publish custom made maps and campaigns