The Age of Decadence Update Released, Changelog

The latest update released for The Age of Decadence contains a number of improvements and bugfixes for the title, made partially to respond to feedback and partially to flesh out areas of the game that the developers felt needed more love. A short summary can be found on the Steam News page, while the full changelog is available on the developers' forums. Expect more thievery scenarios, a personal stash, and extended ending slides, among other things:


- Added sneak animation to movement in areas in which you are sneaking around (for example, Camilla's house in Teron).
- Added lots of opportunities for thieves, especially inside inns and markets. Successful use of them grants civil SP.
- Added a personal stash at inns in all cities.
- Added extended ending slides for locations like Zamedi, Inferiae and the Monastery for men endings.
- Added extended ending slides for characters for men endings.
- Implemented smoother camera movement (V-Sync enabled is recommended, or the equivalent in the GPU control panel).
- Added work in progress support for 1440 height resolutions. Will be expanded to more screens and resolutions in a future update.


- Fixed Feng having wrong conversation in New Teron.
- Fixed issue with traps check in hangar door in a particular dialogue part.
- Fixed issue with Faelan and Darganus being alive when they shouldn't under certain conditions in the chosen one ending sequence.
- End of Teron MG questline properly adds Maadoran.
- Added SP for fixing the mine and travelling to Maadoran.
- Prospector's amulet quest properly removed from journal if you leave for Maadoran early.
- Fixed continuity issue with Meru as a HA praetor if you joined without asking to see the star room.
- Fixed some characters missing names.
- Fixed issue with guild combat in AG2.
- Fixed issue with Teron's Inn stairs.
- Fixed issue with characters facing north when loading an autosave.
- Fixed double reward for completing HA questline by killing Meru in Al-Akia.
- Fixed grid opacity option not working.
- Fixed wall waking in Ganezzar.
- You can no longer talk to Flavius in TG3 if he's dead.
- Fixed climbing check in AG5.
- Fixed being stuck on the gate roof in TG3.


- Most traps now deal higher HP damage and lower constitution by 1 (can be recovered via Healer). Permanent HP damage removed.
- Healers now charge more when stat damage is involved. Price goes up depending on the number of stats point to heal.

Feb 4th Hotfix


- New slide for Miltiades when he fails to become a lord in Ganezzar due to Pancratius zealots.
- Added custom dialogue window image when blowing up the temple.


- Fixed not being able to exit arena after fighting Kadmus.
- No dead bodies before fighting Kadmus.
- Fixed Reggie slide.
- Fixed issue with Al-Akia and Meru.
- Fixed issue with containers when loading old savegames.
- Fixed portrait ratio in ending slides.
- Fixed issue with Feng's portrait appearing in Mercato slides, removing Feng's text in the process.


- Improved some of the sneak trigger checks.

Feb 5th Hotfix


- Fixed MG building second floor not appearing in your first visit as MG member.
- Fixed a rare crash when loading a savegame in Aemolas village.
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