The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine is What DLC Should Be
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Given its sheer size, ambitious content, and more than reasonable asking price, I have little doubt that Blood and Wine is going to be met with global enthusiasm by fans of The Witcher 3, and will only reinforce the respect that many of us already have for CD Projekt RED. And that's the gist of what this article on ThisGenGaming is proclaiming, as well, where they've called the add-on "a rare reminder of what single player DLC should be":
Now the other day the final paid expansion for The Witcher 3, Blood and Wine, was detailed and given a release date of May 31. Blood and Wine is part of the $25 season pass or if you didn't buy that you can pick it up for $20 or $18 if you pre-order it now. Now let me just go ahead and tell you that the amount of content in Blood and Wine that you are getting for as low as $18 trumps what some entire games ship with for $60. The expansion was described by the studio as (basically a new game) and they aren't kidding. Let me throw some facts your way: 30+ hours of content, 90+ new quests, 40+ points of interest, 14,000 lines of dialogue, 20+ new monsters, 100 new armor pieces, 2 hours of new music, New Game Plus Level increased to 100, 30+ new weapons, New UI, 12 new abilities and more. All of that is pretty incredible but the new area of Toussaint is as big as all of the Skellige's islands from the main game combined. Oh and the graphics in the expansion have been improved over what the base game looked like.