Stellaris Future Patches Outlined
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2010

The developers at Paradox have published a new developer diary for Stellaris that outlines their tentative plans for the game's future patches. While the first update will focus on UI issues, balance and bug fixes, the second patch outlined is the one that interests me the most, as it's the one that will attack the problems with Stellaris' mid-game. These problems are killing the game for me, so I have a lot of hope for this patch:
After that, we're moving on to the (Asimov) update, and this is when we can start making some major gameplay improvements to especially the mid-game. As you might have guessed, we plan to add some new diplomatic actions and treaties. Another thing that struck me during our discussions is that the normal lack of access to the space of other empires makes the game feel more constricted than intended. It limits your options since you can't really interact much with the galaxy beyond the borders of your empire, and you only tend to concern yourself with your direct neighbors. This is bad for your Science Ships too, of course, since they might not be able to finish some of the grander (quests). Compare the situation with Europa Universalis, where you usually have access to the oceans and can thus reach most of the world, or Crusader Kings, where you can even move through neutral territory with your armies. We also intend to add as much mid-game scripted content as we can. Thus, this is currently the plan for (Asimov), but it's not set in stone yet, so please bear with us if something gets pushed or altered:
- Border Access Revision: Borders are now open to your ships by default, although empires can choose to Close their borders for another empire (lowering your relations, of course.)
- Tributaries: New diplomatic status and corresponding war goals.
- Joint Declarations of War: You can ask other empires to join you for a temporary alliance in a war against a specific target.
- Defensive Pacts.
- Harder to form and maintain proper Alliances.
- More war goals: Humiliate, Open Borders, Make Tributary, etc.
- Emancipation Faction. We had to cut this one at the last minute. Needs redesign.
- Diplomatic Map Mode. Much requested!
- Diplomatic Incidents: This is a whole class of new scripted events that causes more interaction with the other empires.
While the plans for a third patch are very vague right now, the developers also intend to deepen a number of systems, from fleet combat to the game's factions and sectors, while also adding some new content in the form of new events. That said, those are just general ideas, and the developers stress that they aren't ready to make any promise beyond the "Asimov" update.