Tom Clancy's The Division: Underground E3 2016 Trailer, Blog
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The first paid expansion for Tom Clancy's The Division, titled Underground, was revealed this week at E3. The expansion will take place in the underground of New York and introduces new special missions with randomized dungeons and objectives. Before diving into some details, I'm going to embed the trailer below:
The official Ubisoft blog also has some information on the expansion. Here's an excerpt on the Tactical Operations Center, an extension of the Base of Operations:
While there’s plenty of activity in the area, you’ll want to head to the table in the center of the room where you can start planning your operation, starting with four difficulty options – normal, hard, challenging, and heroic (all of which have recommended gear scores associated with them, so you’ll have an additional reference for the challenge ahead). Also, the menus indicate that all multi-phase Underground Operations are only playable on hard and above. In our case, ur three-person squad decides to take it easy, and we go for the normal difficulty setting, which means we can only select the 1 Phase mission. Our guide then explains Directives, a collection of modifiers that can make the mission more difficult. To give you an idea, there’s Fog of War, which removes HUD elements (like the mini-map) from your screen, lowering your awareness of enemy positions. Waste Not Want Not makes you lose any remaining ammunition in a clip during reload, and generally gives you less ammo. Mad Skills makes it so that when you use a skill, it sets the cooldown timer on all of your skills, while using a signature skill forces the cooldown on all of your teammates’ signature skills. Special Forces gives enemies special ammo types, and finally, Sickness constantly depletes health down to the last segment of your health bar. We select Fog of War and head underground to our first mission.