Zombasite v0.942 Patch Released, Demo Updated
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1690

Soldak Entertainment's latest title, the zombie-themed fantasy action-RPG Zombasite, has recently received a couple of new patches that update the title to v0.942 and fix a number of bugs that were present in the previous Early Access builds of the title, among other things.
I'm going to quote some of the most recent changes from the official website's changelog page:
- fixed raise dead/summon skills (Tyakraman/Mithur)
- NPCs from other clans will now fight less
- fixed getting an extra explosion with skills with projectiles targeting enemy but having side benefit of buffing caster
- removed permafrost from Cold Mastery description (Shalafi)
- fixed mutations and other world events not staying around permanently like they are supposed to
- increased other clans CombatExperienceMult from 1.25 to 2.5
- increased clan random recruit chance by 50%
- sped up quests near player a bit more
- added Item Created, Zombie Infection, Zombie Infection Cured, Zombie Infection Escalation, Zombie Infection Escalation Carrier, Npc Dangerous To Clan, Cured Me Plague, and Cured Me Curse chats
- increased chance of NPCs saying general dialog
- added a bunch more dialog variety
- fixed a bunch of NPC dialogs not getting used
- sped up TrapOil
- optimized traps a bit more
- sped up water stuff
- now zombie ragnars get damage and attack bonuses when they eat
- sped up spawning new actors
- fixed in multiplayer sometimes a military win counting as a diplomatic win (Professor Paul1290)
- when distributing items to town NPCs will not switch from a ranged weapon to a melee weapon (or vice versa) (Zangi)
- added therapist job print (when they lower someone's insanity)
- now diplomat NPCs can randomly increase relations with another clan
- enchanter NPCs will now randomly enchant clan items (not the player's)
- added stat inflation to most mastery skills
- now show near by gates on minimap at all times
- fixed I'm scared of Monster dialog
- fixed slippery & wet icons blinking
- made clan scavenge icon match other icons' style
- moved damage lines on character screen down 1 spot to space out a little now new messages are a larger font for 10 seconds
- no longer tell you about free rumored position when someone taunts you now tell you entertainers on happiness highlight
- found secret messages now only center print (no event text in lower left)
- fixed zombie naga dead anim not matching up with end of dying animation very well
- fixed zombie male dead anim having some pinched areas
- fixed NPCs sometimes claiming a kill that was the player's
- fixed sometimes getting repeating invalid action noise when killing someone and having no mana left
- now Scared, Coward, Fearful, Flighty, and Skittish NPCs have less aggression range
- now Adventurous, Brave, Fatalistic, Fearless, Heroic, Nerves of Steel, and Bully NPCs have more aggression range
- added sound to when an extra modifier is discovered after identifying an item
- now can clear NPC dialog when no longer relavent
- made some fire sounds quieter
- can now change first use slot to a different attack skill
- updated the manual quite a bit
- added Beta Testers to manual
- fixed NewRecruit chat having prefix/suffix stuff
- fixed scout killed chats
- fixed escort died chats
- combined Spirit Strike status effects
- fixed several duplicate parms in database entries
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 57
In case you aren't willing to spend your hard-earned money on an incomplete, work-in-progress version of the title but are still willing to try it, you'll also be happy to know that the demo version of the game has been updated to the latest patch too.