Underrail Experimental Branch Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1841

In case you wanted to try out something new in Underrail, an “Experimental” branch update is now out. Instructions on how to access this update both on Steam and GOG can be found on the developer's forums.
Introduced changes affect pretty much every aspect of the game in some way, including feats, interface, items, and mechanics. Here are the complete patch notes:
- AP reduction from Gunslinger feat will now properly affect only firearms
- Added feats: Bowyer (crossbow crafting)
- Ripper feat will now properly work with serrated knives
- Added a new visual model for siphoner, ancient rathound, and super steel armor
- Telekinetic proxies and electrokinetic imprints will now be visible behind walls
- Added tooltips for empty gear slots
- Forcing the vent with crowbar will now be done through Quick Invoker (once the crowbar is equipped, you'll get the ability there)
- Changed the "Focused" tooltip to be gender neutral (tested for all 99 genders)
- Cats nerfed
- Dreadnoughts buffed
- When a character that has nightvision turned on gets flashbanged, they will also be dazed for 5 turns
- Some of the merchants now have additional mercantile checks which (if passed) will expand that merchant's store inventory
Bug fixes
- Borer Gizzard renamed to Metaworm Gizzard and is now also dropped by Latchers
- Most special bullets now also require TNT to craft
- Added blueprints for standard, W2C and JHP bullets
- Mechanical bolt blueprint renamed to Serrated bolt blueprint
- EMP mine case now counts as electronic component
- Added a couple more instances of Black Eye, Loaded Dice, Train Driver Manual and Train Log oddities
- Increased the drop chance of Quad Damage Module oddity
- Changed the Electronic Idol oddity to provide 3 xp for a max of 1 study as it should have been
- Generated metal armors enhancements will have quality other than 1 now
- Quick load will now work during enemy's turn
- Closing interface help window by right clicking will no longer disable keyboard commands
- Fixed the dialog window option highlighting when there's 10 or more dialog options
- Fixed the cut-off tooltips on smaller resolutions with small font size (on most tooltips; there still might be some that just have too many lines)
- Fixed the bug that caused caltrops to drain action points immediately instead of movement points first
- Fixed the minor glitches with trap detection calculations
- Crawlers and Faceless Gaunts will no longer land on occupied tiles when escaping from sight
- Telekinetic Proxy now properly removes Premeditation when it makes use of it
- Fixed the bug that caused Dreadnought to keep moving if you attempted to dismount during movement
- Fixed the bug that caused the player to receive experience when an NPC was killed by a doppelganger that someone else created
- Expose Weakness will now properly count as a melee attack (it will be affected by Uncanny dodge for example)
- Pyrokinetic Stream and Pyrokinesis should now always properly invoke "heating effect"
- Heating effects should now properly remove Cryo-shield
- Cooling effects should now properly remove Exothermic aura
- Fixed a certain zoner appearing later in the game in some cases even if Rista's quest concerning him hasn't been completed
- Fixed positioning problems during the cutscene in which you lead Edgar to RK's lair that might occur when the player has increased his movement speed beyond a certain point
- Fixed the missing train quest bandits not becoming hostile if the player fails a certain skill check
- Fixed killing the old man in GMS crashing the game after the situation has been dealt with
- Fixed a bug which caused a transition error when entering the zone where Duff is supposed to spawn
- Fixed being able to give a certain man a certain helmet more than once and receive more than one reward
- Fixed a few unreachable dialog branches (Old Jonas, Leo and one notable heavily armored commander)
- Fixed some late game Tchortists not recognizing that you are wearing a certain type of robe
- Fixed a dialog bug which prevented the players from telling the Rejects how to escape
- Fixed some items disappearing from Fraser's store inventory after certain events take place
- Fixed a few bugs with the end game slides
- Fixed issues with one of the tunnelers in DC after it has been despawned
- Fixed being able to kill the Gauntlet runners before the event without anyone caring
- It is no longer possible to pay 1 charon to Silas for Grover's debt instead of 100 charons
- Arke cameras and turrets will now properly go offline after being shut down at the main console
- Edgar's quests will now properly fail if you kill him
- The player will no longer be able to start a civil war in Core City by fighting with the burglar in the house opposite to the Praetorian Security headquarters
- Added another option to acquire ICPD from Duff, plus some more flavor if you handle the situation in a certain way
- Added another way to capture hoppers for Bret
- Added another way to obtain Elwood's keycard
- Did some tweaks to the main quest in Foundry, added more dialog options and removed some of the backtracking; also, the miners will now return to the mine at the end of the quest
- Gaining access to Foundry prison security room will also remove protection from the security console there; added another hacking option as well
- Changed so that failing to intimidate Rubin will no longer make him not want to speak to you anymore
- Hathorians will occupy the area north of the camp after it has been cleared
- SGS soldiers and workers will now occupy the outposts after the player has cleared them
- A certain faction in DC will now be handing out better ammo than previously
- Fixed a faulty transition in one of the zones beneath the Mushroom Forest
- Fixed GMS jammed ventilation shaft being incorrectly positioned; also made some minor changes to the vent layout to accommodate this
- The usual minor stuff (map/dialog/quest tweaks and fixes)