Expeditions: Viking Patch 1.0.4 Live
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2403

A new patch for Logic Artists' RPG, Expeditions: Viking, is now live on Steam. The patch claims to fix all the remaining game crashes. Apart from that, it tweaks the game's content and balance, and fixes a great deal of bugs.
The full patch notes are too long to include here, but here's an abridged version:
Patch 1.0.4 is now public. The main purpose of this patch was to fix the last of the crashes - a particularly tricky crash that turned out to be caused by Unity's reflection probes when our day/night cycle asks them to re-render. The crash mostly happened on Intel cards and certain AMD cards.
Disabling reflection probes
For now, we've added an option for disabling the reflection probes. If you're still getting the occasional loading screen crash or if the game is crashing during the camping timelapse, try enabling this option - especially if you're running the game on an Intel or AMD card:That's it - that should stop the crashes. Without reflection probes, the lighting in the scene will not look quite as natural as it does with the probes enabled, but it's better than crashes.
- Open your config file - it's in your Documents folder by default that's
C:\Users\Logic Artists\Documents\My Games\Expeditions Viking\Config- Locate the [VideoSettings] section, and add the following line at the bottom: ReflectionProbes=False
Of course we've also managed to make a number of other fixes and improvements while we were at it. We've even managed to add a wee bit more content.
Additional Content and Balancing
- Finished two new Grimnir dream sequences and added them to the random events list
- Gave Aife a new ability that's unique to her: Snaring
- Added colour correction blending to the timelapse in camping
- Made it more likely to get injuries when incapacitated in combat
- Made non-fatal injuries more likely to deteriorate
- Changed the accuracy penalty for Quick Shot from a modifier to a multiplier (ie. from 30 points to 30%)
- Inspire is now limited to 3 charges
- Changed Fatigued, Hungry, and Starving so they complement each other better: Fatigued now reduces Strength, Finesse, and Perception while Hungry and Starving reduces Endurance and Sense
- Increased the duration on Well Fed to take into account the time spent camping
- Added hotkeys for activating abilities in the hotbar
- Made the game heal all injuries and reset fatigue and hunger after Hrodgærda's attack on Skjern
- Tactical Move can no longer be activated if you would have no moves left afterwards, to prevent you from cheating yourself
- Grimulfr will no longer show up in Skjern during summer until you've completed the main objective in Scarborough
- Made it so you get the Gain Power goal instead of the Speak To Skallagrimr goal if you side with Aiblinn in Dun Phris before you've done Lindisfarne
- Characters no longer drop Salvage
- Added a wave of reinforcements to the entrance guards in Jelling and did a general polish pass on the scene
- Added a bunch of deco characters fighting in the background in Jelling, and a few civilians that will flee if you approach them - also made a couple of houses burn
- All Northumbrian and Pict quests will now be failed when you side with Aiblinn in Dun Phris, to avoid narrative inconsistency
- Disabled some of the York entrance one-liners in the event you've invaded Northumbria, and made it so the guards are replaced by either Picts or Vikings depending on your choices