XCOM 2: War of the Chosen Fall 2017 Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2267

A new update for Firaxis' XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is now available on PC and coming soon for Mac, Linux, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The update fixes a great deal of bugs and tweaks some things here and there in order to make your War of the Chosen experience smoother and more enjoyable overall. Here's the complete changelog:
Gameplay – Strategy Layer
- Beta Strike now is applied to XCOM soldiers if the tutorial is enabled
- Scientists and engineers can no longer be used while deployed on Covert Actions
- Fixed base game soldier promotion abilities not being free in the Training Center if a cross-class ability is purchased first
- Fixed a visual issue with the inventory menu after selecting a Grenadier's utility item or grenade slot in the Hangar
- Fixed Resistance Order card duplication
- Fixed a navigation issue caused by empty Resistance Order card slots
- Tutorial: Players can now re-enter the Research screen if they’ve tried to exit during the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that prevented soldiers from being dismissible after completing Lost and Abandoned with the Tutorial enabled
- Fixed the conventional weapon breakthrough tech causing "+1 Damage" to display on the claymore when viewed in the Armory
- Soldiers in the Character Pool now generate with a background
- Scavengers Resistance Order now only applies to resource-based POI rewards
- Weapon color defaults to 20 now instead of -1 to prevent mismatched color previews
- Camera outline and poster display update on screen change
- Fixed an issue with SPARKs getting permanently stuck in a wounded yet "Available" state after going on Chosen Stronghold missions
- Fixed the Lost World Dark Event to expire correctly
- Fixed lingering cohesion glow after creating a new bond
- Fixed an issue where faction soldiers in the Training Center promotion screen would not appear when cycling through soldiers
- Removed references to Resistance HQ from strategy notifications
- Removed the ability for soldiers to gain positive traits as part of the AWC post-mission negative trait recovery mechanic
- Soldiers on Covert Actions no longer drop their equipped items when the player enters the squad select screen
- Fixed Rescue Soldier missions sometimes appearing with no reward if you fail it the first time
- Adding additional text to the Reaper's Silent Killer ability description
- Fixed weapons with mods attached not upgrading to the next tier for soldiers who are deployed on ambush-able Covert Actions
Gameplay – Tactical Layer
- Chosen will be activated only if someone on XCOM team has been revealed
- Fixed a bug where the fog of war fails to update or disappear when the player's Codex creates a clone during a mission
- Fixed an issue where detection tiles would disappear for faction soldiers after loading a save while in concealment
- VIPs using hunker down no longer break concealment
- Berserk Rangers no longer attack squadmates
- Fixed visualization of Archon patrol pathing
- Units now take claymore damage when a claymore is detonated underneath them while on a destructible floor during tactical gameplay
- ADVENT Priests triggering Sustain while standing in the evac zone no longer fails the mission
- Alien Rulers get a 1.5X HP boost when Beta Strike is enabled
- Fixed an issue where Purifiers became unresponsive after their clone made from Shadowbind was destroyed
- Bladestorm and Retribution excludes teammates as valid targets
- Enemy reinforcement visual indicator no longer disappears
- Chosen can no longer turn into cocoons from Chryssalid poison
- Spectres hit with Stasis will no longer prevent shadowbound units from recovering when the Spectre is killed
- Fixed missing flyover for Lightning Reflexes
- Gremlins only reveal hidden units after a hack attempt is made
- Changed Skirmisher Ionic Ripjack stun chance to 25%
- Darkclaw now gains the effects of equipped ammo
- Brutal Chosen strength temporarily decreases soldier Will
- Fixed ambient lighting not being applied in some non-tactical areas
- Targetable enemy indicator refreshes correctly after navigating tactical menus
- Fixed an issue where help text and other pop-ups would not trigger during the tutorial
- Units provided by the Volunteer Army & Double Agent Resistance Orders will no longer count as units lost during a campaign
- Updated Mimic Beacon behavior for Purifier, Priest, Spectre, and shadowbound units
- Added AI AoE finder updates to enable AoE attacks on Mimic Beacons
- Fixed an issue preventing Mimic Beacons from being attacked more than once by purifiers
- Skulljack now kills units instantly if Beta Strike is enabled
- Shredded armor no longer reappears after reloading a save
- Fixed an issue where Skirmishers could use Wrath to move to an area, but not perform a melee attack
- Fixed infinite visualization hang when X2Action_WaitForAnotherAction fails to receive the event trigger it is registered for
- Fixed issue with claymores not being immediately targetable by the Reaper
- Reduced Chosen Hunter pistol range
- Skulljack no longer prevents a unit from becoming concealed
- Supply Extraction loot now recovered if XCOM evacs from the mission
- Fixed a loss of functionality caused by simultaneously entering a rescue circle and triggering a Lost pod during a Rescue Stranded Resistance Agents mission
- Fixed crash caused by too many Lost on screen at one time
- Restricting spawns in the corners of some parcels to prevent Chosen from being stuck if they spawn in the corner of a map
- Slightly reducing the aim of Retaliation civilian militia and Volunteer Army soldiers
- Shadowbound units don't get abilities granted from Sustaining Spheres. This matches up with shadowbound units not getting built in Sustain ability from units either
- Prevent Chosen Kidnap / Extract on special units that come from HQ via Double Agent or Volunteer Army
- Fix for an indefinite hang when a unit gets the burning status effect when moving for a Skullmine action during tactical gameplay
- Holy Warrior effects no longer persist after the Priest is removed from the mission
- Chosen Sarcophagus health displays correctly after loading a save game while the shield is up
- Bluescreen Rounds no longer affect destructibles
- Updated Shadowbind to remove the Parthenogenic Poison from the target
- Decoupled GameStateUnit and asynchronous pawn load requests to prevent hung levels and crashes on level load
- Fixed crashes related to GetAllViewersOfTarget
- Fixed crashes related to GetAllVisibleToSource
- Fixed crashes related to GetAllViewersOfLocation
- Fixed crashes caused by for large block of LoadMap crashes
- Fixed GetWorldInfo crashes on RenderThread
- FixedProtection against IsAudible crashes from effects
Challenge Mode
- Added new event notifications: 5 Enemy Kills, Concealment Broken, First Soldier Wounded, Killed a Sectopod or Gatekeeper, Lost a Sectopod or Gatekeeper, and Completed Mission
- Challenge Mode replay improvements: show the reaper roll, skip challenge points banners, disable mission narratives
- Added user score and total players to Challenge Mode squad select screen
- Changed Challenge events to display completion percentages of total players for an event
- ADVENT soldiers now take an action when their shadowbound clone is killed
- Enemy units will now move or take actions when the player Shadowbinds another enemy unit in the same pod
- Challenge Mode replays will now automatically start playing
- Fixed an issue where Focus drops were not occurring in Challenge mode
- Additional score break down and stats to leaderboard
- Consolidated the objective and enemy score decrease messages into one message when appropriate
- Fixed an issue causing Challenges to auto-complete
- Modding - Added files to improve compatibility between the game and uncooked content
- Character Pool now checks base game and expansion directories for available pools
- Fixed Character Pool lighting when on Stronghold shell screen
- Fixed a crash with the Character Pool trying to access a version of a unit that no longer exists
- Added a button to open the local Photobooth directory from the game
- Class pose filtering is skipped when doing a memorial shot
- Additional crash and bug fixes