SpellForce III Continued Updates
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2584

Grimlore Games' post launch support of their recently released RTS/RPG hybrid SpellForce III has been exemplary so far. Since December 15, the game has received five new patches (1.14, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19). Each of those fixes a number of bugs, and usually also a general issue or two. Here are the patch notes for the latest one:
- Smoother camera movement in Mulandir Nexus
- Bug with Isgrims armor being downgraded should be fixed now. Now has a new safety net, shouldn't happen anymore
- Fixed an issue in Aonir's Blade that caused some players to not get the "Terror From the Deep"-quest
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from finishing the "In the Name of Knowledge"-quest in Aonir's Blade
- Fixed bug where units in defensive stance could move erraticly
- Fixed bug where speaking to Ianna would not update the "Speak to your companions" task for "The Final Test"
- Fixed creatures not spawning on nav mesh under certain circumstances
- Fixed several issues with "The Lost Trader" quest line
- Fixed an issue that could cause a cutscene during "The Final Test" to become stuck
- Fixed incorrect animation timings in several cutscenes
- Fixed an issue where players could not talk to (or poison) a certain NPC on The Eye anymore