Zombasite v1.015-v1.019 Patches Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1414

- fixed a major slow down in Skill::applyPassiveStatusEffects (Mithur)
- now only get ambushes when player makes noise (should fix many ambush problems and some slow down issues) (Crisses/Ghost Matter)
- fixed not getting reward chest for destroying clan (Powerfinder)
- slowed down slow/very paces by about 25% (Crisses)
- fixed a bug that allowed new defend clan stuff to get a free teleport to home (Russell)
- evidence quests now take relations into account even more (more likely to like for family and friends) (Crisses)
- decreased cost of paying vendors to come to town from 50/50 to 30/30 (Crisses)
- fixed clan highlight text not working sometimes when hide eliminated option is turned on (fbo)
- now 3 random clans have shades of brown as their colors instead of white (Orc Schism) (Romløoslash;k)
- now World::getLevelsMakeUpLevel only generates list once per level
- fixed destroyed clan message
- fixed critical hit debuff being backwards on debilitating strike (ploratio)
- fixed wishing well stuck message (Acer Spacer)
- made zombielords larger
- orc berserk sound no longer carries forever (BlastProcessing)
- fixed a bad tile in one of the dungeons
- bags no longer compare to starting backpack for better than checks
- fixed : location on skill points left (Xangi)
- updated copyright
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 68
- turned off key check on expansion
- fixed not being able to select hybrid specialties very easy (invisible widget in way) (Livebait)
- fixed being able to pick up skill icons on pick hybrid specialty screen (Livebait)
- can now click on town attack icon to mute town attack sound (until there is a new alert) (Strix)
- added repair all button on crafting screen (Obviously Unsound)
- fixed NPCs getting too much money and no longer doing any activities (probably doesn't happen in real life much)
- fixed an getActivityChance issue with npc completely overriding world modifiers
- fixed not getting xp for disarming traps (Mnemovore)
- fixed a bug allowing rescue/escort quests to add a vendor to your clan (would show up as Generic class) (Reginald CZ)
- fixed vendors not coming to town sometimes when paid (were just an NPC not a quest) (Reginald CZ)
- fixed saurian mages sometimes getting stuck in casting lightning (Krysle Quinsen/Reginald CZ)
- made it so you can't see over level boundaries again (was causing some problems) (Reginald CZ)
- fixed a couple problems with NPCs getting stuck in town sometimes when lots of NPCs gather in a small space (Mnemovore)
- happiness, sanity, and morale item magic modifiers should no longer show up on player only types of items like bags (Throwback)
- fixed a collision issue in most of the town layouts
- fixed skins on unique zombie hellhounds
- ancient monsters now fight each other also
- added new rarity effects for monsters - new ones show up at Captain, Warboss, and Demigod (Destro*)
- now clean up quests with 2 clans like deliveries when either of the clans is destroyed (rawrkite/Reginald CZ)
- now make sure NPCs don't try to interact with other NPCs that are in a different level (hunting, raiding, adventuring, etc)
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 67
- changed game version to 225
- randomized physical evidence drop distance some
- added house in town burned down print
- changed order of how menus and submenus handle mouse input
- fixed not getting highlight text on money, points left, help, and close buttons on skills screen
- now attribute & skill points left highlight text tells you how many points you will get next level up (Obviously Unsound)
- TextureChangeFrom/TextureChangeTo now handles level having multiple of the same texture
- fixed NPCs not following through gates (initialization issue of defensive raids feature coming in expansion) (Caal)
- Orb of fortune now uses correct level for items like relics (Destro*)
- dust of destiny now uses correct level for items like relics (Destro*)