Neverwinter: Lost City of Omu Console Patch Notes
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The “Lost City of Omu” content update for Perfect World and Cryptic Studios' action-packed MMO Neverwinter should be going live today on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The update will continue the Chultan adventures of the Tomb of Annihilation expansion that introduced the nefarious Death Curse and sent you on a danger-filled journey to break it. You can check out the PC version of the official launch trailer right here.
The console patch notes are quite extensive and, among other things, offer a detailed overview of the update's new features and their respective developer blogs. You can find all those blog posts gathered here. And here's an excerpt from the actual patch notes:
Content and Environment
- Blackdagger Keep: Players may no longer escape the world through a window.
- Bryn Shander: Several paths blocked by invisible walls now have ice walls to contextualize the blocks.
- Cutscenes can now be skipped in the following maps:
- Death Forge
- Lair of Lostmauth
- Malabog's Castle
- Phantasmal Fortress
- Temple of the Spider
- Enemies in instanced quests with NPC followers now properly leash (return to their spawn point) when the player character dies.
- House of the Crocodile: Various issues in the second-to-final room with the world going invisible have been addressed.
- Icewind Dale: Revives now consistently count toward the PvP Campaign goal.
- Lore for Spli-Ti now properly shows up under the Chult heading, rather than Blackdagger Ruins.
- Mantol-Derith: Drizzt no longer stops for players or companions who stand in his way.
- Maze Engine: Defense of Gauntlgrym: Companions no longer get stuck behind collision after the final cutscene.
- Merchant Prince's Folly: The moon is no longer quite as bright.
- Merchant Prince's Folly: When re-queuing from inside the map, players should no longer be locked out of opening the end chest.
- Neverdeath Graveyard: In the Ghost Stories instance, there is no longer a weird extension of invisible collision from the bridge.
- Pirates' Skyhold: Several collision issues have been addressed.
- Prophecy of Madness: The phase timer now properly, consistently resets when advancing to Phase 2.
- Protector's Enclave: Loadouts can now properly be swapped in the Trade of Blades.
- Reclamation Rock: The Heroic Encounter, Protect the Merchant, now consistently continues when all waves are defeated.
- Repeatable adventure quests in Soshenstar River now properly override the Quest Tracker UI when inside their instances.
- River District: Guards and golems now more consistently leash when appropriate.
- River District Unveiling: The timing on this cutscene has been improved.
- Sea of Moving Ice: An inescapable hole in the ground has been covered up.
- Sharandar: Certain flowers no longer have collision.
- The "Going to Chult" cutscene should now play more smoothly.
- The Promotion Agent now has a landmark on the Protector's Enclave map.
- The PvP leaderboard will reset upon the release of the Lost City of Omu.
- Various floating objects and other cosmetic environment issues in many maps have been addressed.
- Various typos have been fixed.
- Whispering Caverns: Crane handles now show visual effects when they break.
- Icespire Mountaineer: This achievement had been made impossible to complete a long time ago, and is now properly removed from players' achievement lists.
- Polices Drunk Orcs: This achievement was never possible to complete, and is now properly removed from players' achievement lists.
- Scrying Gauntlgrym: This achievement had been made impossible to complete a long time ago, and is now properly removed from players' achievement lists.
Dungeons and Trials
- Assault on Svardborg
- Jarl Storvald once again properly carries a weapon.
- Jarl Storvald's health bar no longer displays during phases where he cannot be targeted.
- The "Gather Your Party" circle now properly fires when all players in the map are inside the corral, rather than requiring 10 players regardless of how many are in the map.
- When the manticores fly away, they now consistently reappear the next time they're needed, rather than being invisible.
- Demogorgon
- Appropriate credit is now granted when Goristro is defeated quickly.
- Dragonborn who touch the barrier before the beginning of the fight are no longer teleported back to the dais.
- Upon reaching Gold rank, the trial now advances to the next phase.
- Fangbreaker Island
- The Hati encounter no longer becomes stuck if a player dies and releases at a specific time.
- The quest path now properly continues forward after defeating the Dragon Turtle.
- Tiamat
- Defeating one of Tiamat's heads too quickly no longer prevents the trial from being completed.
- When defeating Tiamat's heads, success is now determined immediately rather than after the defeat animation.
- Tomb of the Nine Gods
- Ambient occlusion looks a bit better in Ras Nsi's room.
- Players no longer respawn at a distant campfire when releasing during Ras Nsi's fight.
- Cragmire Crypts no longer has a large patch of unlit flooring.
- Spellplague Caverns (Master): Kabal should no longer display a low-rez model when appearing in his boss cutscene.
- Hunt trophies and lures have been adjusted in the following ways:
- These items are no longer unique, as such more than one can be held in your inventory at a time.
- These items may no longer be mailed.
- Please note:
- Hunt trophies and lures do not stack, as such in order to hold on to two of the same lure, you must have two free inventory spaces.
- Any trophies or lures currently in mailboxes will remain there, however, once they are removed from the mailbox they may not be sent again.
- The statue bases near the back of the guild hall are now more symmetrical.
Future Events
- Challenge of the Gods: Items gained through the Gift of the Gods will no longer automatically bind to account regardless of Bind on Equip status.
- Protector's Jubilee: Unspent Protection Orders can now be redeemed for consolation rewards at the Last Chance Store once the event is over.
- Summer Festival: Jadeite now costs 12 Silver Tickets, down from 23.
- The fishing vendor in the Winter Festival map now pays full price for sold items.
- The merchants being escorted during the Protector's Jubilee no longer return to their previous position after an encounter completes; instead, they start moving forward again.