Phoenix Point Release Date Pushed Back to June 2019, Backer Build 1.2 Detailed
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1332

An open letter from Snapshot Games' founder Julian Gollop informs us that Phoenix Point is now targeting June 2019 as its release date. This is made possible by an unexpectedly successful pre-order campaign that allowed the team to increase the game's scope and add some additional layers of polish to it. Here's what Julian himself has to say about this:
And here's his open letter, along with some details about the upcoming backer build v1.2 that should be deployed shortly:
When we launched our crowdfunding campaign for Phoenix Point in May 2017, we hoped that the game would be well received. But what has happened since has been phenomenal, with increasingly strong pre-orders and great press coverage. People’s expectations are higher, our team is growing, and Phoenix Point has become a bigger game. In order to realise this potential we need to push back the target release date to June 2019.
I believe we can create a game with high production values that will make a huge splash on launch. In order to achieve this we need to continue to expand the team and maintain our focus on quality. To be honest, this has been a slower process than I wanted, but I felt that we needed the best talent that we could find. I am glad to say that we now have 35 great developers in our Sofia studio, and as a consequence of our recent, excellent exposure we are attracting offers of help from game developers around the world.
For our backers who have pre-ordered the luxury digital edition we will commit to a new Backer Build at least once every two months up to the point of release.
I hope you will support our decision, which I believe is in the best long term interests of the game, and on behalf of the whole team we would like to thank all our backers for their support and faith in our vision for this ambitious and exciting project.
Thank you,
Backer Build v1.2 (PC/Mac/Linux)
Within the next day, we will deploy Version 1.2 of our Phoenix Point Backer Build. This version includes numerous bug-fixes and quality of life improvements. Version 1.2 also includes the Mac and Linux builds. We would once again like to apologise for the delay in delivering the Mac and Linux builds, but hope you understand the decision we took not to release them until the major technical issues had been resolved.
As with Backer Build One, you should receive an email from Xsolla (noreply[at] with your unique download link to the builds. Please add the email address to your whitelist to ensure that the email doesn't land in your spam folder.
All distribution is handled by Xsolla. If you do not receive your email, please contact Xsolla support to assist you - support[at] or via
The servers can come under load during the downloading process, so if you're unable to download the files instantly, please wait a short time and try again.
Backer Build v1.2 Release Notes
Features:Bug Fixes:
- Added basic options screen with sound controls, buttons to quit and button to disable the gamepad
Known Issues:
- Fixed various problems that caused the game to become stuck and not able to continue
- Fixed various map passability problems
- Fixed a bug causing the queen not to attack if she moved in her turn
- Fixed an issue causing the first person targeted shots to be fired in the wrong direction
- Improved the AI behaviour of the crabmen gunners
- If you have a gamepad that's not compatible with the XBox Game Controller (XInput controller) your may have strange camera behaviour (e.g. camera goes constantly in one direction). Use the options screen to disable the gamepad input.
- [Linux] Intro movie is disabled
- [Linux] When typing in the issue reporting tool each letter appears twice. Just type your report in an external tool and use ctrl + v to paste it in the box.
- [Mac] You can't open the game guide from inside the game. It is packed as a .pdf file in the build .zip file
- [Mac & Linux] Small graphical glitches (Z fighting) on some locations on the map