Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Class Details Revealed
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If you enjoy theorycrafting and MMOs, you might want to check out the official website for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, where the Visionary Realms team has recently revealed detailed profiles for three of the upcoming game's playable classes. These classes are Ranger, Rogue, and Monk, and their respective pages describe their group roles, combat resources, sample abilities, race requirements, and a few other class-specific things. And if this is something you enjoy reading about, the remaining nine classes are going to be revealed over the course of the coming summer, so stay tuned.
Here are a few paragraphs about the classes:
The Ranger
The wilds of Terminus call to Rangers, drawing them deeper into its mysteries. It is in these untamed regions of the world that Rangers are forged into versatile and ferocious warriors, united with the land and animals they commune with.
Group Role: Melee and Ranged DPS, Utility
The Ranger excels at both melee and ranged combat, able to weave between the two with elegant ease. In close combat, Rangers prefer the use of one-hand weapons over two-handed, able to deliver devastating damage with swift precision. When the Ranger chooses to withdraw from close quarters combat, they can masterfully employ bows and crossbows to inflict lethal ranged damage, restrain enemies, illuminate their environment, set traps or flee from danger.
Combat Resource: Momentum
In combat, Rangers will constantly generate Momentum as a percentage of the damage they deal. In addition, certain melee and range abilities will increase a Ranger's Momentum by a certain amount when used. Other abilities will have a Momentum cost in order to be performed.
The more Momentum a Ranger has, the faster their melee and ranged attack speed becomes, up to a 20% increase when Momentum is full. When a Ranger chooses to spend Momentum, their melee and ranged attack speed will slow in proportion until the Ranger builds their momentum up again.
The Rogue
In the shifting sands of this fragile era, Rogues are sought out for the faceless affairs of nations. Yet their allegiance is rarely to a banner or creed, but to themselves. With daggers drawn, the treacherous Rogue is a ruinous force, unraveling their enemies with terrifying speed and efficiency. As melee specialists, Rogues have trained extensively with one-handed weapons, but are most deadly with a dagger in their main hand, plunged deep into the back of their enemy.
Group Role: DPS, Utility
While exceptionally skilled with dagger and blade, Rogues avoid combat unless it is on their terms. Masters of subterfuge, they plot their move from the shadows to avoid detection. They will find an opening of opportunity, or rely on their alchemical talents to create one themselves. When the moment arrives, there are few on Terminus who can match the deadly precision of a Rogue's onslaught. And fewer still who can disappear in the wake of such carnage as if they were never there.
Combat Resource: Endurance
The Monk
The way of the Monk is a path of harmony between the body and the soul. Through longstanding discipline Monks have transformed their very being into resilient, living weapons which they are able to wield against their enemies with devastating effect.
Group Role: Melee DPS, Off-Tanking, Utility
It is through the Way of the Body that Monks develop the strength and control to perform their devastating physical attacks. Monks use strong, deliberate strikes with their hands, feet and martial weapons that focus vital points on their enemy and exploit weaknesses with crippling power.
But Monks do not rely on technique and muscle alone - they must also develop themselves internally, along the Way of the Soul. By cultivating this bond between their body and soul, Monks are able to manipulate their internal energy known as Chakra. This internal flow of Chakra is held back by a series of six gates, like water behind a sequence of dams. The Monk must learn to open these gates in order to wield their Chakra without limits, releasing it in a torrent of punishing damage, or in the form of powerful defensive and self-healing abilities.
The 6 gates are known as: The Gate of Anger, the Gate of Peace, the Gate of Sorrow, the Gate of Joy, the Gate of Balance and the Gate of Release.
Combat Resource: Chakra (6 Gates)
In combat, Monks will constantly generate Chakra as a percentage of the damage they deal. In addition, certain abilities will increase a Monk's Chakra by a certain amount when used.
As a Monk increases their pool of Chakra (represented by a resource bar that fills left to right, 0 to 100), they will open consecutive Chakra gates along the way (represented by segments within the bar) until all 6 gates are open. Some of the Monk's abilities will have a Chakra cost in order to be performed. Others will require a certain Chakra gate to be open and when used will expend all of the Chakra it has taken to open that Chakra gate.