Fallout 76 Gameplay Videos, Pete Hines Interview
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If you're interested in checking out some Fallout 76 gameplay, Bethesda Softworks' YouTube channel now features several promotional videos that showcase various elements of the post-apocalyptic survival RPG. The first one serves as an introduction to the game's West Virginia setting:
The second one shows off some of the game's multiplayer features:
And the third one tells us a bit about Fallout 76's settlement-building C.A.M.P. system:
Then, there's also this Gamereactor interview with Bethesda's Pete Hines from this year's E3 where he, among other things, talks about Fallout 76's multiplayer:
And here's an excerpt from the transcript:
"But the truth is this game is not what everybody expects or immediately jumps to. I understand when you hear 'online' or you hear 'multiplayer' or 'PvP' that people jump to 'well, it's an MMO' or 'it's a free-for-all where everybody's just shooting each other' or 'I'm gonna get griefed constantly by other players'. And the fact is, this just doesn't fit into the mould of anything else, because that's what Bethesda Game Studios does."
"We aren't the type of company and they're not the type of developer that looks at what somebody else is doing and says 'oh, we're just gonna do that'. No, we're gonna do something we feel is very unique in the space that somebody else hasn't really done, because that's what we're actually best at, is doing things and going places where other folks aren't trying and pushing boundaries a little bit, so I think as more information comes out and folks understand it's not tons and tons of people, it's post-apocalyptic, it's gonna be dozens and dozens, not hundreds, that you can't just have someone keep chasing you down and killing you over and over again, the game just doesn't allow for that - the PvP is almost more of a challenge system, not just a 'kill everybody that you see' - that we do want folks to roleplay."