Pathfinder: Kingmaker Hotfixes
Category: News ArchiveHits: 3117

Since its release a few days ago, Owlcat Games' Pathfinder: Kingmaker has received two quick patches that fix a good number of issues that snuck into the initial release version of the cRPG. The first one just generally improves the game's stability, while the second one also adjusts the game's difficulty to be more forgiving. Here are the patch notes for the latter:
Hello everyone!
Thank you very much for your ongoing feedback. It encourages us to work fiercely on polishing the game. We are desperately sorry that we can't fix everything at once. But let us assure you that every comment will be addressed.
New Features
Changes to the difficulty.
We hear a lot of comments about the difficulty of the fights. We are introducing several changes - we introduce changes to the easier difficulty modes to enhance the player experience for those, who selected them. On the Story Mode difficulty, such mechanics as Damage Reduction, Damage Immunity, and Regeneration will be switched off, while on Easy mode their power will be reduced (less reduction or regeneration respectively). We are adding an additional warning to the Hard and Unfair modes to provide better information about upcoming challenges and the general difficulty of the game so that players can make an informed choice. We'd like to stress the Normal mode is a recommended one, especially for the people not familiar with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game system and for the first time players.
We are also making some changes to the some of the encounters in the prologue and 1st chapter of the game. To make it clear, we are not reducing general difficulty in all settings, we are fixing several places where this difficulty was not intentional. Also, we provide more information on overcoming the challenge in the place where it was:Quests
- Scare ability in the final fight in Prologue is changed to the communal Protection from Alignment: Good. There are almost no abilities to counter Scare effect in the prologue party, so this ability tends to make combat too chaotic and unnecessary random on the harder difficulty settings.
- The first encounter on the road to the Oleg's Trading Post was never intended to be a great challenge, this area is still part of the tutorial, and difficulty of the fight is taking away from learning about the camp. Wolves were changed to Thylacines, their stats are close, but Thylacines have no trip ability.
- Bokken will properly warn the player about the swarms in the cave and provide them with several flask of Alchemist's Fire. In addition, the tutorial about swarms and how to deal with them will be shown when entering the cave.
- It should be mentioned that the 1st chapter's story is branching into the two different paths, making some of the encounters harder than desired on the first path selected.
- Fangberry quest is very hard on low level. Resolution:
- Bokken warns about quest difficulty and gives 6 flasks of Alchemist's Fire.
- The special tutorial message is added about dealing with spider swarm.
- Bear-like Treant in Temple of the Elk will now have less Damage Reduction.
- Bear-like Treant fight difficulty is reduced if the player gets there earlier enough (at low levels and without previously following Tartuccio). The fix won't be applied for games saved within the area.
- Some companions joined the party fatigued and damaged in Ancient Tomb and Old Sycamore areas. Resolution: fixed.
- Ancient Tomb: persuaded companion now joins the party after a fight with Tartuccio's Mercenaries.
- Random encounters with creatures too difficult to the current average party level could be rolled. Resolution: fixed
- There may be issues with Valery romance progressing. Resolution: fixed.
- Crash to the main menu when certain romance scenes are activated. Resolution: fixed.
- One of the story development paths causes a wrong Capital state in Chapter 3. Resolution: fixed
- 50% spellcasting fail chance after entering the castle in Verdant Chambers location. Resolution: fixed.
- Сut-scene may freeze at the Capital square at the beginning of the second act. Resolution: fixed.
- Sycamore hall is hard to find. Resolution: marker on the local map is added.
- Some monsters in random encounters gave an incorrect amount of experience. Resolution: fixed.
User Interfaces
- Amulet of Mighty Fists now properly gives bonuses to attack rolls.
- There is no way to understand the nature of zero damage. Resolution: Information about immunities and damage reduction is added to the Battle Log (available in tooltips).
- Tutorial messages about mechanics of the "damage reduction" were added before combats with the first creatures with damage reduction
- Time delay for tooltip appearance after a mouse click was too big. Resolution: reduced.
- An issue with male elven hairs and capes visualization while playing Ranger and Rogue classes. Resolution: fixed.
- NPC Hassuf has empty lines in vendor list. Resolution: fixed.
- Unlocalized loot window title. Resolution: fixed.
- An issue with Chinese localization in Quest notification. Resolution: fixed.
- An Ancient Formula quest may be reported as completed before actually completing it. Resolution: fixed.
- Controlled Fireball damages allies. Resolution: fixed.
- Wizard familiar bond list has Hunter's Bond available for selection. Resolution: fixed.
- Missing or wrong German, French and Chinese localization. Resolution: the next batch of issues is fixed.
- No text on computers with Spanish and Italian system locale. Resolution: fixed.
- An issue with the backer items description in Credits. Resolution: fixed.
- Several achievements were unlocking incorrectly. Resolution: fixed.
Another issue we hear a lot about - the problem with the custom companions - and some other stuff as well will be addressed in the next Hotfix.
- Loading may cause an issue with previously saved file. Resolution: fixed.
- Graphics settings auto-detection may detects higher configuration on Linux. Resolution: fixed.
- Crash while saving with specific path or locale. Resolution: fixed.
Stay tuned for further game and community updates!