The Waylanders Interview
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Gato Salvaje Studio's CEO and narrative designer Sergio Prieto recently had a chat with RPGWatch about his studio's upcoming party-based RPG The Waylanders, the game's unique setting, its combat formations, story and quest design, and more. Here are a few sample questions:
RPGWatch: I like that you use mythology and locations from your home region. But where did you get the idea for two time periods? I have no problem with that, it could be very interesting if done right, but most studios would probably create a pure Celtic RPG. Were you interested to see how the game world evolves over time or something?
Sergio: I started to think about this game several years ago to use the Celtic and medieval eras, because our country has a lot of great legends located in those two periods. So I read a lot about the differences of the two time periods and when I was finished, I was totally surprised about the incredible social differences between these two moments in time. I realized that the most interesting thing would be to confront people with the contrast of those two periods. The reaction of our characters and how they adapt to the two worlds is something that I really think will be awesome to experience for any CRPG player, like myself.
RPGWatch: Can you compare the Celtic world of The Waylanders to the usual fantasy worlds? It seems it wont be a 100% realistic Celtic setting, I'm OK with that, something new and authentic is a plus. So what are the main differences (compared to usual fantasy) or main strong points of your setting?
Sergio: The first thing that all our writers told us is that our lore is really refreshing to them. The Waylanders will be a fantasy game for sure, but the players could look at the characters, locations and legends and receive a lot of new information that they probably didn't know before playing our game. We are using Celtic mythology, like Fomorians or the Tuatha de Danaan but we are focusing on legends and monsters that were never told in a video game before, and I really want to see the people's reaction with the Mourians, or a location like Brigantia.
And while you're here, you can also check out the latest Kickstarter update for The Waylanders that talks about a new location and alpha access add-on, and announces that the game will be translated into German.