The Waylanders Update #21 - New Race Info & Pledge Manager
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The latest Kickstarter update for Gato Salvaje Studio's time-travel RPG The Waylanders mentions a new pledge manager and then tells us a bit about the game's take on humans as a fantasy race. In short, The Waylanders will let you pick one of four different human origins, including a Celtic soldier, a Celtic druid, an Egyptian traveler, and a Greek Scythian mercenary. Here's more on that:
Hi everyone!
We are setting up the pledge manager with a trusted and experienced company called BackerKit. Most of you will surely know it if you've previously backed other campaigns on Kickstarter. So we'll notify you when The Waylanders pledge manager is available.
Meanwhile, we want to show you one more race from The Waylanders: Humans. Enjoy reading!
Humans are the most common race in The Waylanders, and they are also by far the most diverse.
There is no one human culture or way of life. Among the humans, there are multiple types of governments, societies that reflect varying cultural mores, different religions, starkly opposed values, and opinions as numerous as the waves on the sea.
As a trading hub and a culture known for its openness, Brigantia reflects humanity’s beautiful diversity. You will meet human characters in the game who represent many nationalities, sexualities, ethnicities, and beliefs. Their personalities and ethics will be fiercely individual, but always informed by their personal histories and cultural identities, just as with humans in our world.
Many of the humans you meet in the game will have deeply personal connections to their land, from belief in magicks particular to the natural wonders of their hometown, to a violent desire to protect the home of their ancestors.
If you choose to play as a Human in The Waylanders, you can pick between one of four different origins. Each origin will have an associated stat boost.
Let's take a look to these four origins:
Celtic Soldier
The Celtic soldier has been training in the ways of combat since they were a teen. They grew up in the Celtic culture and faith, but spent their early adulthood traveling around the world as a mercenary. During that time, they gained knowledge about other cultures and fighting styles that has made them more open to different ideas, good at cross-cultural negotiations, and very valuable on the battlefield. They’re now an honored, decorated member of King Ith’s personal guard.
If you play as a Celtic soldier, at the beginning of the game, you’ve been asked by King Ith to protect him and assist him during his meeting with the Tuatha de Danaan. The chance to guard your kind is an enormous honor that you’ve been working towards for your entire career.
Celtic Druid
The Celtic druid is deeply ensconced in the Celtic culture. Born with a natural aptitude for magick, they were sent to the druidic circle in Dumbriga when they were a small child in order to develop their skills. The other druids at the circle are their main family and cultural touchstone. They’ve become a respected and valued scholar, known for their devotion to the Celtic faith, and their ability to wield the natural elements. The trees, the stones, the birds, and the sea are as alive and important to them as other people. Their understanding of other cultures and religions might be severely lacking due to their focus specifically on the Celtic ways.
If you play as a Celtic druid, you’ve been brought along on King Ith’s journey to meet with the Tuatha de Danaan as a representative of the Celtic faith and way of life. It is the first time you’ve left Dumbriga as an adult- but the chance to meet your gods, the Tuatha, is an absolute dream come true.
Since the beginning of time, Brigantia has been deeply connected to Egypt. The two societies have traded goods and culture for as long as anyone can remember, and many Egyptians reside in Brigantia. Queen Escota herself was born in Egypt, and openly follows the Egyptian religion. A few years ago, Queen Escota and Prince Lugaid made a diplomatic visit to Egypt, and met the Egyptian player character. The Prince offered them a position in his entourage, and they have been traveling with him ever since as a trusted advisor and friend. Though the Egyptian is far from home, they may still follow the Egyptian religion, and believe in the Egyptian magicks- providing offerings to their gods, keeping a deep reverence towards death, and believing in the Egyptian afterlife. Conversely, they may have fully accepted the Celtic religion and way of life. Or, they may do a little of both, like many Egyptian immigrants. That’s up to you.
If you play as an Egyptian, you’re joining Lugaid and his father, King Ith, on their visit to the Tuatha de Danaan. Your unique point of view is seen as deeply important to the negotiations, since you are one of the few people on the voyage who may see the Tuatha de Danaan as humans instead of gods.
Greek Scythian Mercenary
Brigantia has recently begun trading with some regions of Greece, especially Scythia. When he was a young teenager, Prince Lugaid was sent to Scythia to study their advanced combat tactics. The Scythian player character is his instructor from his time there. The Scythian believes strongly in the glory of battle, and has years of training in the art of war. They specialize in the shield & spear fighting style typical of Greece, but are also extremely proficient with a bow and arrow, and are known for being one of the best skirmishers in the world. Everything they know about Celtic culture and society has come second-hand from Prince Lugaid- this is their first time ever visiting Brigantia. So, they have very little personal connection to the Celtic religion or way of life, and may find it rather odd compared to their own.
If you play as a Scythian, you have traveled all the way from Greece at the request of King Ith on his to meet the Tuatha de Danaan. Ith is paying you handsomely, because he knows you’re one of the best fighters in the world, and he trusts you completely. He also knows that you won’t be intimidated by the Tuatha, as you don’t see them as gods.