Queen's Wish: The Conqueror Update #13
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1349

According to the latest Kickstarter update for Spiderweb Software's RPG Queen's Wish: The Conqueror, the game is about halfway done content-wise and should be getting an official announcement and Steam page sometime in April. Apart from that, the update shares a general progress report, some backer-specific info, and a fresh screenshot. Here are the text parts:
This has been a big milestone month! The world of the game is half-written. All the basics of the world and the stories have been established. We just need to finish them. We hope that the Queen’s Wish content will be done at the end of May, and then we can do the Windows port and finalize everything.
This is a really grueling phase of development. Every day, I get up and do a chunk of game. A dungeon. Three sections of outdoors. Half of a city. There’s a huge pile of things to do, and every day I chip one thing out of the pile. That’s why it’s so satisfying to get halfway. It takes a lot of doubt away. This game will be finished. My brain is pudding, and there’s a long way to go. But we’ll get there.
We’re doing a lot of internal testing to polish the thing up. We want get all of the balance right: tense without being crushing. The game system has a lot of innovative stuff (like the fort building/resource system), and we want to make sure all is clear to the player. And, of course, it’s a new engine, so we have a billion bugs to fix.
We hope to release the game to a small group of our regular beta testers very soon. Kickstarter backers who are in the closed beta will have to wait until the Windows port is done, in a couple of months.
We are also scrambling to get enough art together to announce the game official and put up the Steam page! Our goal for this is April. It’s later than it should be, but some games it takes longer to get art than others. Happily, the art is looking really good!
Kickstarter Backer Update
If you bought the ability to name something in the game or add a character, item, etc, these things need to be finalized. The game is almost done! The deadline for these is the end of March. If I hear from you after that, I’ll do what I can, but I can make no promises.
And thanks again to the backers for their ideas. I have been really surprised and pleased by how clever and innovative you were. It’s been some really good stuff, and I’ve enjoyed working it in.
A Screenshot!
Finally, I am immensely pleased to be able to show off a screenshot for the game. It shows off a lot more of the art, interface, and big scary monsters hiding in the dungeons. I’ll have a lot more to show soon. Enjoy!
- Jeff Vogel