Torchlight Frontiers Living Roadmap Available
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1262

Visual roadmaps seem to be fairly popular these days as a means of communicating development progress. And if you enjoy following roadmaps and are interested in Echtra Games' upcoming multiplayer action-RPG Torchlight Frontiers, you can now check out the game's Trello board and find some additional details here. More on that:
Are you the kind of fan that likes to be the first to hear about something? Do you like to dig deeper then get the conversation going in our Discord, Forum, or on Reddit? Great! Our new player-facing Trello board will help!
We make development decisions informed by player input. The Trello board is a living roadmap that supplies context and primes the community with topics for discussion. This space is not intended as an exhaustive list of projects. But by increasing transparency we increase player knowledge, and by increasing player knowledge we empower the community to take a more active role in shaping the systems and features of Torchlight Frontiers.
Topics on the board have progressed beyond general planning for the game and are a priority for the studio. Elements of these projects have been assigned to the World, Player, or Live teams and have a milestone on the work calendar.
Topics will typically start out in the Long Term Goals column. The further out on the calendar something is, the fewer details we’ll be able to share; usually that means we are still defining what shape it will take.
As cards appear in the Work in Progress column it means the project is quite literally in the hands of one or more of the teams. Cards from Big 2019 Goals may arrive as is or may be broken into multiple cards as they transition into WIP. We’ll endeavor to add more detail in the description of each card as it becomes available.
The Live Game column is where you’ll see more real-time elements: things like bugs we’re tracking to be hotfixed in the latest update, recent discussions on the forum or elsewhere we’d like to draw your attention to, and cards representing the latest features added to the game that we need feedback on now that it’s in your hands.
No, we don’t expect the Trello board to be your primary source of information, it’s a supplement. We’ll continue to publish news articles that highlight and summarize upcoming and newly released features. We’ll continue to make announcements for urgent issues on Discord, the forum, and social media. Trello also has a “watch” feature for cards, lists, and boards if there are only certain topics you want to follow.
This is as new for us as it is for you. We’re learning together, and that means there will be some growing pains. Everything on this board is something we need to hear from you about, but there’s plenty we aren’t yet able to share or that doesn’t fit the scope of this space. To reiterate a bit, there are more features and projects than those that appear on this Trello board.
This board is a resource for those who want to dig deeper and initiate early discussion with the development team and the other members of the community. Knowing what’s coming provides important context for suggestions and feedback. Your input shapes development of Torchlight Frontiers and helps us grow as a studio. Thank you for all your support!