Wasteland 3 Update #29 - E3 2019 Trailer, Release Window Updated
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A brand new E3-themed Fig update for inXile Entertainment's upcoming squad-based RPG Wasteland 3 brings us a fresh trailer prominently featuring Scotchmo, a scruffy-looking drunk you may remember as one of the possible NPC companions from Wasteland 2. The update also lets us know that the game is now slated for a tentative Spring 2020 release. And after that's all sorted out and explained, it shows off a sample of the game's cinematic conversation system, once again featuring Scotchmo.
Here's the trailer:
The cinematic conversation test:
And some additional details:
A Postcard Arrives
E3 is upon us—that special time of year when you learn about new games, or more about the games you’re most excitedly waiting for. We’re happy to be delivering some of the latter, with a new, pre-Alpha look at Wasteland 3 from an old pal and returning character from Wasteland 2. We’d love to hear your thoughts.
In addition to the return of Scotchmo and an extended look at the post-nuclear landscape of Colorado, we’re announcing a new launch window of Spring 2020. That’s down to the fact that, thanks to our relationship with Microsoft, we’re able to hire more staff and spend more time realizing our vision for Wasteland 3. All in all it means a little more time to get things right and deliver the experience we want, and the one we know you expect.
We also have new screenshots to share over on our Wasteland 3 page on the inXile site so you can get a closer look at some of locations glimpsed at in the video.
Alpha, Early Access and Release
We’re pleased to announce two more release windows; ones we’re asked about almost as often as when the game itself is coming out.
Our backer Alpha will arrive August, 2019 to those who pledged in the First Access and higher tiers. Early Access (sometimes referred to as Beta) will be arriving in late Fall, 2019, and is for all backer tiers with the exception of the Correspondent tier.
The Alpha will be a first opportunity to play around with many of the game’s different systems in a guided experience, with the Early Access providing a bigger chunk of the game to check out. In both cases, they’ll be your opportunity to provide us with feedback that we can use to help make the final game that much better for everyone.
As mentioned above—but it bears repeating—our launch target for the full game release is now Spring 2020.
Wasteland 3 at gamescom
If you’re attending gamescom 2019, you’ll have a chance to check out Wasteland 3 and meet some of the inXile team as we’ll be there showcasing the game for press and at the Deep Silver booth. Come by and say hello!
Our Alpha backers won’t have to travel to Cologne, stand in lines, or be limited by any event timers, as they’ll be receiving an unrestricted version of the gamescom floor demo.