Stoneshard - Equipment Early Access Update Live
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1365

Ink Stains Games’ challenging turn-based RPG Stoneshard has received a new early access content update. While the team is still working on the upcoming AI overhaul, they bring us this smaller update that expands the game’s arsenal with a bunch of new gear, and in the process fixes a number of bugs and issues. Here are the patch notes:
Hello everyone!
The work on changes to the AI and dungeon generation is well underway, and we'll soon publish a devlog with some details on our progress. In the meantime, here’s a small interim patch to keep you from getting bored - it expands the roster of available equipment and brings a number of fixes and improvements.
New Items:Miscellaneous:
- 2 new daggers: Commoner’s Dagger and Elven Stiletto
- 5 new axes: Exquisite Tabar, Heavy Aldorian Axe, Aldwynnian Axe, Gilded Axe, and Lordly Axe
- 1 new mace: Elven Flail
- 4 new chest pieces: Dwarven Armor, Light Brigandine, Elven Brigandine, and Skadian Yushman
- 8 new helmets: Barbute (4 variants) and Cervelliere (4 variants)
- 3 new pieces of footwear: Town Shoes, Duelist Boots, and Splint Boots
- 3 new mage sets (mantle + cowl): Cryomancer, Electromancer, and Chronomancer
- 4 new amulets: Gold Medallion, Jibean Pendant, Amber Amulet, Lazurite Amulet
- 1 new cape: Jousting Cloak
- Traders can now sell many items which were previously excluded from their stock.
- Added log messages for critical shots.
- Added a warning about the progress not being saved on exit when leaving the game.
- Reduced the effectiveness of roasted mushrooms.
- Numerous fixes across all localizations.
- Fixed the item dupe exploit with some of the containers in Osbrook.
- Fixed the incorrect block power calculation.
- Fixed the incorrect durability loss when blocking attacks.
- Fixed the collision between a cell and a door in Mannshire prison.
- Fixed visual effects displaying above enemies while they are in the fog of war.
- Mobs no longer display speech messages while they are petrified, stunned, or asleep.
- Added new equipment sounds.
- Fixed the incorrect “Blood Oath” log message.
- Fixed pathfinding when clicking on a NPC to start a dialogue.
- Fixed the fleawort usage with an open backpack.
- Fixed the possibility of dropping items on the ground when dragging them outside of the trade menu.
- The fog of war is now being properly calculated when using “Onslaught”.
- Fixed the possibility of decapitating targets by using “Mighty Kick” and other non-weapon skills.
- Fixed the possibility of reloading while stunned.
- Fixed the absence of psionic damage on items.