Solasta: Crown of the Magister Early Access Update v0.3.3
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1087

Tactical Adventures, the team behind Solasta: Crown of the Magister, has put together a sizable early access update for their D&D-based CRPG. This patch fixes plenty of bugs and issues, but perhaps more curiously, it adds an option to enable non-seeded RNG, which should come in handy if you’re someone who prefers gambling to some good old trial and error.
Here are the patch notes:
Hi there everyone,
It's been one week since our Early Access launch and we've been hard at work to bring you a whole bunch of improvements!
DE version available here (thanks Raminblake):
Important: If you are running into infinite loading screens, make sure to verify your games files!Tutorials
- Go to your Steam Library and right click Solasta => Properties => Local Files Tab => Verify Integrity of Game Files.
- If this doesn’t fix the problem, try loading an older save (such as an auto-save) to go through the problematic area! On rare occasions, save files can get corrupted so the solution is loading another one.
World Map
- Characters and NPCs in the tavern should no longer clip into their chair or the table in the intro cutscene.
- You are now forced to use Disengage against the Greyback Wolf. Hopefully that will save some more lives, too many budding adventurers died there
- We've also updated the Quest to clearly indicate that you must push the rock after disengaging
- Added a camera movement in the Orc Cave to show where the lever is to open the door
- Added a bit of gold in the Stealth Tutorial, because gold is life
Caer Lem
- Fixed a bug where locations would sometimes appear at the wrong place. Don't lose your waaaaayyyy!
- Fixed a bug where the party would sometimes not move on the World Map, then suddenly teleport further away. The DM just forgot to move your tokens, sorry
- Caer Lem should no longer be producing light at night on the World Map. Its secret goblin nightclub has been closed for sanitary reasons
- Fixed a bug where trying to travel with an unconscious character would sometimes crash the game. Give the poor lad some of that healing potion!
- The camera behavior should be more consistant on the World Map now
- Random encounter locations should now have music outside combat as well
Tower of Magic
- Monsters should no longer shove you to your death. We will re-introduce this feature when we roll out the difficulty settings, but it was too punishing for new players
- A secret passage in the cave should now properly open up when interacted with
- Daliat should no longer appear alive in a cutscene if you killed him earlier. He will haunt you regardless, you monster
- You should no longer be able to walk inside fire tiles. At least not here. Not now. Not like this
Caer Cyflen
- Fixed a bug where killing spiders would sometimes teleport you to an empty Crown Room. Sorry future Solasta speedrunners
- It should no longer be possible to get a random encounter between leaving the Tower of Magic and the Trouble Night Event
- Fixed one wall being closer than what the visuals showed in the Crown Room
- The chest in the Crown Room should no longer be filled with test items
Necromancy Quest
- Fixed a rare crash that occurred after Aer Elai (the vision) from the Crown-bearer
- Started optimizing Aer Elai to reduce fps issues
- Fixed a rare bug where merchants sometimes weren't positioned properly after cutscenes
- Fixed NPCs sometimes not properly looking at people when they talk after reloading a save. They're just standing there... menacingly
- Added a quest marker for the first scavenger quest
- When fighting Lizzaria, the zombies should no longer be locked behind bars. They get to join the fun too!
- Fixed a rare crash where killing Lizzaria would drop her Arcane Focus, which probably was an Orb of Annihilation considering how it annihilated the game stability
- Mardracht has been buffed a lot, poor old man barely had enough HP to stand up. He now is ready to kick some butt
- Mardracht should no longer disappear before the end of the cutscene
- Made adjustments to the items found in loot containers
- Added audio when breaking windows
- Fixed the main quest not updating if the player immediately rushed to the secret passage instead of entering the courtyard
- Mana Lamps should no longer go invisible after being lit. Those lamps are weird man, I tell you
- Added a short fade to black effect when transitioning between Cemetery and Courtyard
- Skeleton now have new portraits and a small ambiant VFX
- Fixed the poor dwarven ghost's beard looking like a fluffy stuffed animal
- Fixed a few pathfinding issues when playing around moving crates and puzzle doors
- Added a collider so that players can walk inside a certain sarcophagus. You're already pillaging tombs, don't be rude come on
- Ring of Protection +1 should now work properly
- Heavy Armor should no longer reduce AC if you have negative DEX modifier
- Unidentified items should now properly hide their properties until identified
- The attunement system should now work properly. The Wand of Lightning Bolt awaits you!
- Scroll of Lightning Bolt should no longer be named Scroll of Fireball. The scribe in charge of writing scrolls has been reassigned to latrine duty
- Crafting a scroll of Jump should no longer give you a scroll of Mage Armor. Latrine duty duration has been doubled.
- Weapons tooltip should now display if they are Simple or Martial weapons
- Fixed a bug where drag & dropping items in the inventory would make them... disappear! Truth be told the rogue probably stole them
- Added some harvestable ingredients. GATHER ALL THE FLOWERS!
- Made some adjustments to item cost.
- Fixed a rare bug where a character going unconscious on top of loot, getting healed and then attempting to pick up said loot would sometimes crash the game. Loot is sacred, don't fall on it
- Faction items should no longer show white squares in their tooltip
- Updated the Harversack tooltip
- Updated the icons of Flaming Sphere, Spiritual Weapon and Dancing Light
- Removed the ability to upcast Fog Cloud for now. Save the frames, kill the upcasting
- Added VFX effects to the Tongues spell
- Fixed a rare crash when refreshing spell slots
- Fixed a very rare crash when spells go poof game goes boom boom. And that's a no no
- The Shield spell should now properly end on the start of your next turn
- Fixed a rare crash when casting a spell inflicting a condition using a scroll
- The game will now display a warning message when trying to scribe a scroll you already know
- You can now scribe Greenmage spells if you're a Greenmage
- When attempting to move spells such as Flaming Sphere, Dancing Light & Spiritual Weapon, you should no longer lose your Bonus action if you immediately cancel instead of moving after selecting it.
- You should no longer be able to cast Flaming Sphere directly on top a character
- Added VFX effects to the Remove Curse spell
- Casting Levitate on an enemy should no longer give them advantage on their Saving Throw
- Speaking of Levitate, Spiders should no longer turn invisible if you cast Levitate on them. Seriously, who does that?
- Fixed Protection from poison doing weird stuff
- Snow Dwarves should now properly get +2 in Constitution Saving Throws instead of Advantage. Tell me again about how you "misread" the feature, Larry.
- Fixed the idle pose when holding a 2-handed sword. Fighters all around the world now know how to properly wield a greatsword
- Fixed a very peculiar bug where an NPC would sometimes replace your character if the two shared the same name. What can I say, some NPCs always wanted to be adventurers
- Fixed a bug where Saving Throw modifiers were applied twice against Ghouls paralyzing effect. Larry I'm sure you know how to do basic math, stop cheating
- Fixed a bug sometimes causing issues when attempting to level up an Oblivion Cleric
- Fixed characters sometimes not visually waking up from sleeping conditions
- Characters in Stealth knocked unconscious will no longer be considered in Stealth
- Adjusted Anton & Miles (pre-made characters) starting equipment
- Fixed a very funny bug where some characters would wave their torch back and forth, even when unconscious
- Fixed an issue with the Sorrak ranged attack animation could sometimes be out of sync
- Aristocrats should now properly have proficiency in Intimidation as displayed in the tooltip
- Archers should now properly take into account elevation when aiming at the enemy before shooting
- Disarming a trap while holding a rapier should no longer show the rapier flying around
- Added some missing audio for Sorraks, such as spellcasting and Doom Laughter
- Fixed characters sometimes saluting by placing their arm inside their chest instead of on their chest. Poor Sorraks, they're trying their best to blend in
- Skeletons should no longer hold their shortbows inside their wrist
- Characters should now reposition themselves automatically if they start their turn stacked on top of someone else
- Characters' portrait should no longer be blurry after loading a save during combat
- Fixed Orcs' faces in the Bestiary
- Added an option to enable non-seeded RNG (has to be activated manually). Savescummers rejoice!
- Dice Rolls should now properly appear when making ability checks during cutscenes
- Fixed some lighting issues when swapping to the third weapon configuration (weapon + light source)
- Fixed most missing texts in French, German and Chinese
- Fixed the camera sometimes not switching to battle mode when entering combat. Peace is not an option, camera
- Fixed a crash when the creature with the highest initiative died of an "at the start of your turn" effect.
- Fixed a whole lot of rare crashes and bugs again! More stability banzai!
- Added a button on the main menu to easily leave a review on Steam, which you should totally do because that would make you even more awesome than you already are
- Fixed a rare bug where the game would sometimes display an empty string instead of the correct location of the party in the save file
- Fixed the camera sometimes going bananas when focused on a character
- Fixed a rare bug preventing the player from doing Short Rests after doing a Long Rest + Level up
- The loading screen when launching the game should now properly scale to your screen resolution instead of being horribly stretched
- Optimized starting time a bit. You should see a slight improvement when launching the game!
- Fixed a strange bug that would happen when attempting to fast travel and closing the map at the same time
- Continue & Load Game buttons should no longer be greyed out when cancelling Character Creation
- Poisoned and Diseased conditions should now properly be displayed
- Fixed a rare and strange bug where audio levels could get out of sync in certain conditions
- Rocks should properly roll when pushed now, instead of sliding on the ground
- Fixed a small issue with the Adventurer Ghost portrait
- Added new sounds to ghouls, skeletons and zombies
- Made some slight improvements to the map here and there