The Elder Scrolls: Blades Patch v1.10 Available
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With the holiday season upon us, The Elder Scrolls: Blades gets a new patch that introduces several new event quests, sets things up for the in-game New Life festival, and kicks off a winter sale. Beyond that, the patch fixes a few bugs and adds some quality of life improvements.
Here are the patch notes:
Patch 1.10 of The Elder Scrolls: Blades has arrived! See the latest additions, improvements and fixes available in this update via the patch notes below:
- Two new Events await players in the lands beyond the cursed portal.
- Complete these Events and defeat the Mad God's very own Golden Saints to earn Sigils.
- More Events will follow next month, so stay on the lookout!
- Enjoy Daily Events starting December 24 all the way to January 2.
- Be sure to collect your free Stonetooth Bash Chicken decoration from the Store, coming soon!
- New Life Bundle: 1,000 Gems, 50,000 Gold, 2 New Life Banners, 2 Peridot Beacons and 2 Garnet Beacons.
- Saturalia Bundle: 4,750 Gems, 20 Scrolls of Revival, a Saturalia Tree, a Grand Saturalia Tree and the Saturalia Grove.
- Festive Dragon Bundle: 1 Legendary Chest, 9,000 Gems, the Dragon Snow Globe and the Ice Dragon Bust.
- Golden Life Bundle: 1 Golden Chest, 1,100 Gems and a Stormcloak Banner.
- Elder Life Bundle: 1 Elder Chest, 1,925 Gems, the Ice Unicorn and the Ice Khajiit.
- Legend Life Bundle: 1 Legendary Chest, 4,600 Gems, the Ice Mammoth and the Ice Elk.
- A special offer for players level 11-20 from their grizzled old blademaster.
- Mentor's Pack: Enforcer's Breastplate, Ancestral Axe, 25,000 Gold, 900 Gems, 10 Scrolls of Revival, 450 Copper, 1,000 Lumber and 1,000 Limestone.
- Complete Golden Saint weapon set.
- New Legendary Item: Purifier's Cocoon
- Quest Map: improved camera panning when using the map.
- Quests: added labels to dungeon exits.
- Quests: player will now be able to receive the fourth quest to find the Sorcerer-King's lair even if the lair has been located already.
- Android: fixed Back button not backing players out of the chest rewards screen.
- Arena: fixed player-side blocking animations that were not appearing correctly.
- iOS: fixed crash that sometimes occurred when opening the Event or Character menus.
- Menus: fixed bug where players became control locked on level-up reward menu.
- Menus: fixed crash and control lock issues in various menus and interface screens.
- Quest Map: fixed a crash caused by changing device orientation before quest icons could load
- Quest Map: fixed bug where skull difficulty rating did not show up for some quests/jobs
- Quest Map: unlocking of quests to find the Sorcerer-King's lair now accurately shown on map.
- Switch: fixed Nintendo Switch authentication issues
- Switch: updated blocking instructions for Switch controller