Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms Lore Update - The Known World & The Outer World
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If you’d like to know more about the world of All In! Games and Gamera Interactive’s upcoming story-driven action-RPG Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms, you might be interested in this lore update that focuses on the world’s history and its major powers. Check it out:
Prepare yourselves to go deep into the lore of Alaloth - Champions of The Four Kingdoms. The four kingdoms have already been introduced, but there are still many paths that we want to invite you to traverse. May the lore series begin!
The World of Alaloth
Using archeology and magic, the mortal races were able to discover much about the ancient roots of their world, from its inception to its current state. Some parts of history have been lost along the way or are kept guarded as secrets among the eternal races, but the main series of events are well-recorded and known.
The tale of the kingdoms begins with the First Era, an Era of blood and birth, a time when life was created and gods were born. It was during this time that the All-Father’s blood dripped onto the world, creating man, elf, dwarf, orc, and beast, as well as the First Pantheon of the Gods.
The Second Era is the time of legends, when great heroes from all the mortal kingdoms fought and vanquished any terror that dared to beset the land. Much of this history has been recorded in dusty tomes by the humans, while the elves choose to simply remember the tale instead of putting it down in writing.
The current Era is the Third, the Era of The Fifth Kingdom. With the creation of the Fifth Kingdom, and the loss of the world’s light, Vaizmil, the world fell into chaos. With the gods weakened, Alaloth descended on the land from the realms of the gods. Although the joint effort of the races managed to confine him in The Fifth Kingdom, he still seeds his corruption deep into the ground. No one knows how this Era will end. Will hope return to our world once more or will we plunge into eternal darkness?
The Known World
In the midst of chaos and violence, four kingdoms rose in the world of Plamen, separated from the rest of the globe by unknown dangers, treacherous terrain, and hubris. This is the known world, the world of magic and great heroes, of immortal gods who shape the world and decide to let it prosper or doom it to destruction.
In current times, the world is about to descend into chaos as Alaloth sows corruption into every aspect of life. The Four Kingdoms, each distinctly different from the others, divided by race, culture, territory, and religion, have been suffering immensely during the trying times that have unfolded over hundreds of years due to the recklessness of the gods.
The Blessed Kingdom of Edherest stands strong in number and with the power of humankind. Once a deeply religious people, the citizens of Edherest have turned on their priests and leaders needing someone to blame for the world’s descent into turmoil. They now look to all-powerful magic to save them. The kingdom has been further fractured by rising hostilities between its ruling houses as each one vies for ultimate control over the others.
The Republic of Larastir is home to the elves who worship Jaiha, the Goddess of the Earth. Their connection to nature and to the magical aura of the world makes them excellent fighters and deadly archers, while their eternal life grants them wisdom beyond their apparent age. Their society has been tainted by the Ver’Quintiss inquisition, brought on by the coming of Alaloth which has torn through their culture and left deep scars. Over the past few years the Elves have withdrawn into the depths of their forests, and, even more worrying, there have been more and more sightings of the Dark Elves, loyal to Alaloth.
The Expanse of Karak-Hohn is the kingdom of the dwarves. The grand halls they call home are built-in caverns that were created by an unknown precursor race. They are masters of stone crafting and the main providers of metal and stone to the rest of the kingdoms, making them safer politically than others. The coming of Alaloth shook their underground chambers, corrupting their halls and filling them with golems.
The Desolation of Baga, the kingdom of the orcs, has been left completely in ruins after their hero, Baga, attempted to face Alaloth in combat. The ground is barren and the weather unforgiving. Not many survive in the deserts of Baga, but the orcs are resilient people and they do not give up, even when all seems lost.
The Outer World
Beyond the realm of The Four Kingdoms exists another world, vibrant and different, beautiful and dangerous. Only a professional explorer would have a chance at traversing the areas surrounding the kingdoms. Anyone else who tries is never heard from again. The seas to the north are home to wild islands, with rough seas that only a seasoned sailor can endure. To the north-east lay the great frozen plains, where few can survive their inhuman temperatures. And to the west lies the kingdom of the desert, with sands that sprawl on for an eternity.
The North Sea Empire rules the northern sea, sailing, and trading with the known world, but staying away from their politics. They were once one of the great houses of Edherest, but left the kingdom to explore new lands. While the island they live on is a cold flatland, they have prospered there and have been left relatively unaffected by Alaloth and The Tempest.
The Frozen Plains are a vast area to the North East of Karak-Hohn where the cold rules and few survive. A few clans of barbarians have settled the lands, but most of the plains are desolate with only dangerous animals and monsters to roam the frozen waste. The Tempest of Alaloth has reached these lands and his corruption runs deep.
The Sariqi Caliphate, centered around the great city of Sariq, is a solitary and distant kingdom, born from the eternal sands. Though they live in isolation from the known world, they are more culturally and magically advanced, allowing them to make creations beyond imagination. At the same time, their riches have plunged them into corruption and chaos as they consort with evil forces.
The Shadow Continent is the prison of the dark elves that were banished by the Ver’Quintiss during their inquisition. The continent exists in parallel with Plamen, where there is no sun, not one source of light, and nothing grows from the ground. The Continent is inaccessible without powerful magic to a common mortal, but ever since The Tempest, more and more dark elves have been seen in Larastir, leading to rumors that the Shadow Continent is open once more.
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*Based on external and internal factors, the frequency may change.