Knights of the Chalice 2 Update - New Character and Weapon Sprites
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1246

The latest update for Heroic Fantasy Games’ Knights of the Chalice II introduces a number of new character and weapon sprites to replace the game’s original tokens. It also adds some quality of life features and updates the game’s module editor.
Here’s a list of all the new stuff:
List of improvements in KotC 2 version 1.10Next Steps for KotC 2
- You can now type in a name / description for your saved games.
- Added the 'Ultra Accelerated Combat' game option.
- Reworked the 'Options' screen using four tabs and a bunch of selection boxes.
- Added a new game option allowing your characters to Charge towards a specific square of large creatures. That option is switched on by default.
- Added the new in-game sprites for player characters and for the humanoid enemies found in the game's first chapter. The sprites will display the weapons held in the right hand and left hand, and the armour being worn, if any. Magic weapons and shields will have a different colour. There are sprites for walking, running, being idle and being prone. The running animation is displayed in combat while the walking animation is displayed out of combat.
- When combat is not taking place, you can now select the hair style, body type, and height of your characters from their character sheets. Simply open a character sheet and click on the character's token in the top-left area of the character sheet. You can also add wings to a character. Finally, you can select a type of armour that will then replace the image of the armour being worn by the character.
- The module editor was also updated to allow selecting the hair / body / height of humanoid characters. Simply open the creature editor, click on a creature to open the creature properties, then click on the green button labelled 'Sprites' in the top-left area of the screen. I've also updated the weapon editor to allow selecting the weapon sprites.
- Added a new 'Defensive Casting' option in the menu of combat actions. It allows you to switch defensive casting on and off easily for the acting character. You can also press Shift + D to switch defensive casting on and off, if the option appears in the menu. The option will only appear in the menu if casting would trigger an attack of opportunity (AOO). If the option does not appear, then casting a spell will not trigger any AOOs.
- When switching between characters with the left and right arrow keys in the character sheet, the game will no longer jump to different tabs of the character sheet (unless you were on a spellbook tab and the next character does not have spells).
- In the inventory screen, bags will no longer be closed automatically when taking an item from the party-items box.
- Reworked many text labels and button sizes in the character-sheet screen and inventory screen. Hopefully those screens will look less chaotic now.
- In the main menu, the shortcut keys F1 for help and O for options will now work.
- In the help entry for Experience, added a table of XP requirements for each level from 1 to 40.
- Fixed a problem with movement in combat where some squares were inaccessible when they should have been accessible.
Please feel free to post any comment about the new features, or planned features, here or in the forums. Also please feel free to email me at enquiries[at] if you find any glaring bugs or you'd like to highlight a particular forum post containing suggestions.
- Add new sprites for monsters. Add content in village map & a few extra quests in chapter 2 and 3.
- Add two new options, one to provide more campfires and another to reduce encounter difficulty.
- Implement the Barbarian Class upgrade. Add local-map screen (expanded minimap).
- Add feat-selection recommendations. Add the new feats / items / spells / features as promised.
- Create the tutorial module. Add module-creation info in guidebook. Fix any remaining bugs.
- Read & reply on forums, Discord server and here on Kickstarter.
- Add backer names to the KotC 2 Credits Screen as appropriate, and assign forum labels for backers.
- Continue working on the Steam page for KotC 2 and start working on the Steam version of KotC 2.
Thank You For Your Support, Dear Knights and Wizards of the Realm! Enjoy!! :-)