Stoneshard - Year One Anniversary & Progress Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1419

It has now been a year since Ink Stains Games launched their turn-based RPG Stoneshard into early access. To commemorate this occasion, the developers have put together this small update that kicks off a month-long in-game event and fixes a few miscellaneous issues for good measure.
Here’s more about that, along with some info on the game’s upcoming “City of Gold” content update:
Hello everyone!
Today Stoneshard celebrates its first anniversary: it’s been exactly a year since the game was released into Early Access! By an amazing coincidence, the Black Boar tavern’s anniversary shares the same date - to honor this remarkable event, Brukk the Innkeeper decided to decorate his establishment. During this month his guests will also be gifted a free pie, baked by a special recipe. Make sure to launch the game to participate in the festivities!
Now back to our plans. Over the last year the game saw noticeable improvements: there were four major updates and a content patch, as well as an innumerable amount of hotfixes and smaller updates. We still have a long road ahead of us, something we will talk about today.
Right now we’re working on the “City of Gold” update, the largest one yet. It’s meant to significantly expand the global map, add basic caravan mechanics, the first major city, new biomes, new points of interest, random encounters, and also a number of currently unannounced, but very important features. As you can see, this is a lot of content, so “City of Gold” will be released approximately in Q2 2021.
Most new systems are still being prototyped, so it will be a while before the devlogs on them are published. While we’re working on the technical side of the global map, have a look at this concept art and teasers for the upcoming content[...]
As we implement the city of Brynn, we also plan to expand the game’s lore. There’ll likely be a few devlogs dedicated to it as well.
That’s all for now. Until the next devlog! – CHANGELOG
- The Black Boar tavern was decorated in celebration of the anniversary.
- You can now get a free pie from Brukk.
- Changed the troll rewards:
- Increased the gold reward up to 10 000 crowns.
- Most item rewards were changed: Weber will now give more expensive and higher level items.
- Added an option to ask for a crossbow, a spear, a two-handed axe, or a two-handed mace.
- Increased the loot quality in secret room containers. Some of them are now guaranteed to have unique items.
- Vases as well as both common and wealthy sarcophaguses now contain less valuable loot.
- Temporarily removed unpopular or useless effects (such as resistances to rare damage types) from the list of possible enchantments.
- Changed the power of some enchantment effects:
- Bleed Chance, Damage Reflection: +5% > +7.5%
- Fire, Unholy, Move, Control, and Bleed Resistances: +5% > +10%
- Armor Damage: +25% > +33%
- Crit Efficiency: +20% > +25%
- Spells and Skills Energy Costs, Cooldowns Duration: -10% > -7.5%
- With certain exceptions, equipment higher than level 10 can no longer be found in graves. Drop rates for the rest of the valuable loot were increased.
- [Counterattack Mastery] No longer grants Off-Hand Efficiency if the main hand holds a shield.
- Decreased the base level range for the equipment sold by merchants.
- Fixed the Skeleton Crossbowman, which was technically armed with a bow.
- Defensive Stance now works as described.
- Skinning a dog now yields a pelt of the correct color.
- Fixed the bug preventing unlocked skills from being saved.
- Fixed the bug with the Sigil of Darkness disappearing prematurely.
- Fixed animals not displaying a visual indicator when entering a territorial state after being shot at.