Gamedec Accolades Trailer
Category: News ArchiveHits: 885

Two months after its original release, Anshar Studios' cyberpunk detective RPG Gamedec gets an Accolades trailer highlighting some of the praise the game's been getting. And following that, we're told that the game's upcoming update is going to implement controller support, as well as some other fixes and improvements.
Here's the trailer:
And the text bits:
How are you, detectives? Halloween was fun and we hope you enjoyed it, but we have something even better to announce!
It's been two months since the premiere; we appreciate your support. Acclaimed by both players and critics since its launch in September, we'd love to share the receptions we got with Gamedec. We have prepared the Accolade trailer and we would like to present it to you.
Since the Gamedec release, we're constantly working on new fixes, improvements, and implementing things, you said you want to see in-game, and we're excited to let you know, that controller support will be implemented in the upcoming Patch 1.3, which is scheduled for 24.11.21. Of course, besides controller support, you can expect various changes, improvements, and fixes. Specifics will be provided soon, but the list is pretty long. We're also planning to release the Steam Trading Cards and graphic assets for the Steam Points Shop next week.
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Take care and stay safe!
Team Gamedec