Path of Exile - What the Team Is Working On
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Following the recent launch of the Siege of the Atlas expansion for Path of Exile, Grinding Gear Games brings us this announcement outlining the team's plans for the coming weeks and listing a number of hotfixes that have already been deployed. Check it out:
The first week of the Siege of the Atlas expansion is well underway and we wanted to take a moment to give you an update on what we're working on.
Archnemesis Feedback
We're keeping a close eye on feedback regarding the Archnemesis League. If you're interested, we talked more about the thought process behind the recipe system here. Thanks for all of your feedback and suggestions, we will continue monitoring them.
Upcoming FixesOther Notable Issues We Are Aware Of
- Added stash tab search functionality to items influenced by The Searing Exarch or The Eater of Worlds.
- Fixed a bug where public mapping parties were not visible in the Karui Shores or your Hideout via the Noticeboard's Public Parties tab or Social menu. Note that it is normal behaviour that you will only be able to see public parties while they are in a map.
- Selling items to Kirac.
- Fixed an instance where Death and Rebirth was not able to be completed.
- Fixed a bug preventing Shift+V from undoing Expedition explosive placements.
- Fixed a bug where some Helmet Microtransactions would cause heads to disappear.
- Fixed a bug where crafting options for bows were using values for one-handed weapons instead of two-handed weapons.
Sound Issues
There have been a number of miscellaneous audio issues reported which we are aware of and working on fixing, such as missing dialogue and loud death sounds.
Blighted Maps Not Opening
We are still investigating this and will have a fix on the way once it is resolved.
Change the Gem and Flask Stash Tabs to be sorted alphabetically
Currently, gems and flasks in each sort category (i.e. Level or Quality) are being sorted in an inconsistent order. Most-recent gems are being stored on the left side, whereas most-recent flasks are being stored on the right side. We're looking at changing this so they're sorted alphabetically after they've been sorted by their Level/Quality rather than by order placed so that it's more intuitive and consistent.
Add slots to the Fragment Tab for re-rollable Searing Exarch, Eater of Worlds and Maven Invitations
We're working on a way for the Fragment Stash Tab to have the ability to store the craftable invitations from the endgame bosses.
Add a new stat to Blighted Maps to compensate for the removal of Awakening Objective bonuses
Our plan for this is to add a new stat to the existing Blighted Map Notable on the Atlas Passive Tree to compensate for this. We'll provide more details on this when we've confirmed how we want to approach this.
Archnemesis inventory doesn't update search highlights when mod positions are swapped
We are still investigating this issue and will prepare a fix once we have a solution.
These hotfixes have already been deployed, though if you're still experiencing issues please continue to log bug reports as necessary. We also recommend keeping an eye on the Known Issues thread.
Hotfix 1Hotfix 2
- The Map Device now indicates if you can't use it (due to not being the party leader) prior to you putting a map in.
- Fixed a bug where the Hyrri's Bite Vendor Recipe did not work with its new item base type.
- Fixed a bug with the Gem and Flask Stash Tabs where newly-inserted flasks could not have price notes set.
- Fixed a bug where the new Sharktooth Quiver granted Life Gain on Hit that didn't actually work.
- Fixed various client and instance crashes.
Hotfix 3
- Fixed a bug where specific Blood Monkey Chieftains would fail to generate charges for allies.
- Fixed a bug where some auras would not be removed when certain items were removed.
- Fixed a bug where Lilly Roth sometimes couldn't be invited to your hideout.
- Fixed a bug where bow damage nodes on the Passive Tree were not applying.
- Fixed a bug where the Atlas Passive Tree could show a "Reset all Passives" button that affected the regular Passive Skill Tree.
- Fixed a bug where the Passive Skill Tree mastery stat that makes increases and reductions to projectile speed also apply to bow damage was calculating them incorrectly.
- Fixed client and instance crashes related to Arc.
Hotfix 4
- Fixed a bug where Invitations could be split using Beast Crafting.
- Fixed a bug where Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh Jewels could have invalid or legacy Ascendancy notables. Existing ones in this state have now been fixed to become valid notables from the same class.
Hotfix 5
- Fixed a client crash occurring in Archnemesis League.
Hotfix 6
- Fixed a bug causing an unintended increase of monster density in the Betrayal Laboratory.
- Fixed an instance crash.
Hotfix 7
- Fixed a bug where some Synthesis and Shaper Atlas Passive Tree nodes were not working when allocated.
- Fixed a client crash.
Hotfix 8
- Fixed an instance where the A Call to Arms quest was not able to be completed.
- Fixed a bug where your first Maven Invitation for the 10 boss encounter was not guaranteed to drop after collecting 10 bosses. For players who missed this guaranteed drop, it can be obtained by completing any Tier 14+ Map while having 10 or more bosses collected.
- Fixed a bug where daily Atlas Missions were based off of the most-recently-completed Map tier, rather than the highest-completed Map tier.
- Fixed a bug where defeating The Eater of Worlds or The Searing Exarch could sometimes fail to unlock their respective Favoured Map Slot.
- Fixed a bug where retrieving a Voidstone from Kirac did not unlock Voidstone sockets on the Atlas.
- Fixed a bug where the Ivory Temple Map could not be obtained through using an Orb of Horizons, or through natural map drops.
- Fixed a bug where the Deadly Nightmares Atlas Passive Skill was not working correctly.
Hotfix 9
- Fixed a bug which prevented the 'Shaping the Mountains' passive from working.
- Fixed a bug which caused Vaal Molten Shell to be removed by a single hit.
- Fixed a bug which could cause Voidstones to be socketed into invisible slots.
- Reduced the number of projectiles from the Bombardier Archnemesis mod and the chance for them to bounce off terrain.
We hope you are enjoying the Siege of the Atlas expansion! We will continue to monitor your feedback for further improvements.
- Fixed a bug where Skills granted from Ascendancy Passive Skills were not granted if the Ascendancy Passive Skill was allocated through Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh.
- Fixed a bug where Boot Enchantments that cause you to take reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently were not working correctly.
- Fixed a bug where Incursion encounters after the first in an area would not display the current room information on the Temple Map.
- Fixed a bug where Boss Invitations could sometimes not drop if your progress towards them was doubled.
- Fixed a rare bug where the Map Device in the Karui Shores could be unusable.