Phoenix Point: Kaos Engines DLC Available
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Kaos Engines, the latest piece of DLC for Snapshot Games' Phoenix Point, is now available on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), PlayStation, Stadia and Xbox. Priced at $4.99 or your regional equivalent, the DLC introduces a new vehicle and vehicle customization options, new missions and weapons. As is often the case with DLC these days, it's accompanied by a free update for the base game.
Here's the launch trailer:
And some extra info:
Hello, Operatives! Our latest DLC, Kaos Engines, is now available on PC, PlayStation, Stadia and Xbox! In addition, the Azathoth content update is available for all owners as of today as well (click here for patch notes).
Thanks to everyone who has already purchased an Expansion or Season Pass already, your download should already be underway or ready, and thanks also to those considering purchasing Kaos Engines on the platform of their choice.
If you’re looking for more detail as to what’s in store, we shared insights on the new vehicle and module upgrades previously, but what’s just as important is how you acquire them. As we mentioned before, an independent haven, the Kaos Syndicate, calls the shots on this new research and they don’t give these tools away for free!
To take advantage of Kaos technology, players can access the Syndicate Marketplace haven, where new weapons, the unique Kaos Buggy, and all vehicle upgrades can be acquired for a price. Every 24 hours, the Marketplace refreshes its goods, and while the costs may initially be high, currying favor with their leader by taking on missions will reduce prices and put more options on offer. There are four story missions, each revolving around a particular vehicle the Syndicate’s leader wants you to recover, but even after the DLC missions are completed, the Marketplace remains open for business to offer research completed by the major factions as well as its exclusive weaponry.
Kaos Engines adds five new weapons: a sniper rifle, assault rifle, handgun, shotgun, and heavy autocannon which are only available via the Syndicate Marketplace. While these can’t be manufactured, these guns do not require ammunition, similar to the Living Weapons DLC gear. Armed with these weapons, players can deal increased damage that can include exotic effects, such as poisoning targets or causing acid damage… but, naturally, there’s a catch.
The Syndicate’s leader is a talented engineer, but his dedication towards developing more powerful weaponry has led to a complete disregard for safety, giving Kaos weapons the tendency to malfunction in a spectacular manner. The more a weapon is used, the higher the chance it may malfunction, destroying the weapon and causing different effects to the operative wielding it. But don’t despair, there’s a warning on weapons heading into a critical state for those too timid to roll the dice!
Alongside the release of Kaos Engines is our next free content update, Azathoth, which includes some balance changes that will affect the game whether you own the DLC or not. A few differences players will notice out the gate are increased material and research rewards from Geoscape exploration and encounter events, alongside an increase in materials when completing research. We believe these economic changes may help players who find themselves a little starved for resources. And for those looking for some love around the “Good Boy” mutogs, we’re reducing their deployment cost to two slots in an aircraft, making them a more viable option for future missions.
Oh and one more thing for the free Azathoth update… infiltrators can scavenge for an all-new Kaos Syndicate-themed skin when starting a new game with the code, KAOTIC. Use the key icon from the home screen to access.
Thanks again for all your support… and stay tuned for news on our next update! For now, here are the additional patch notes for the Azathoth update:
Azathoth v1.14 Patch Notes
- Increased material and research rewards from Geoscape exploration and encounters events by approximately 25%.
- Increased material rewards from researches by 25%.
- Changes to diplomatic rewards/penalties for some story missions from the base game, as well as Blood and Titanium, Legacy of the Ancients and Festering Skies.
- (DLC 3) Festering Skies’ Haven Defense mission now occur with 75% the rate of the base game (used to be 66%).
Bug fixes
- We didn’t want Mutogs to go unnoticed, so we’re reducing their deployment cost to 2 (from 3).
- Also, Will Points for Mutogs with Venomous Head increased to 40
- Some Siren evolutions receive a slight increase in Will Points
- Instigator +4 Will Points
- Hellion +2 Will Points
- Banshee +2 Will Points
- Fixed a bug where when manually targeting Siren Armis hands, the text wrongly indicated that they do 6 viral damage
- Fixed an issue with Stadia where players could get stuck in the tutorial.
- Fixed an issue that could occur with cloud saves between Windows Store and Xbox versions of the game.