Darkest Dungeon II: Oblivion's Ingress Update Detailed
Category: News ArchiveHits: 3371

Having recently released the Oblivion's Ingress update for Darkest Dungeon II, Red Hook Studios now brings us this article with patch notes detailing the update's new cultist enemies and gameplay changes. There's also a quick update trailer:
And here are the patch notes:
Join the denizens of this crumbling world and worship the yawning void - new avatars of the Loathing demand your supplication! Hear the demoniac piping of the Herald, prostrate yourself before the Altar, but gaze not upon the high Exemplar, for you are not worthy of such an honor.
- Updated the environment art for the Guardian node
- Low light Cultist ambushes now include a Deacon or Cardinal instead of only standard Cultists
- Reaching maximum Doom will now result in an Exemplar fight
- You can no longer retreat from Guardian nodes
- Guardian nodes now consist of 2 Cultist battles, with the nature of the second battle being determined by biome
- Biome 1 ends with a Deacon fight
- Biome 2 ends with a Cardinal fight
- Biome 3 ends with an Exemplar fight
- Cultist fights on the Mountain are no longer randomized
- First fight contains an Exemplar
- Second fight contains a Deacon and Cardinal
- The Deacon's "The Flesh Warps" now randomizes whether it starts on the -50% melee or -50% ranged defense buff
- All Worship skills are now considered Free Actions. This means:
- They no longer occur automatically at the start of a round
- They occur as part of the Cultist's turn, so they are subject to Stun/DOT damage
- They do not end the Cultist's turn on use
- More than one Cultist can now Worship in the same round
- [community]Updated how combat items and other free actions affect turns:
- An immediate benefit players will experience is that we’ve set it up so that Turn End triggers (certain trinkets, buffs, duration countdowns, etc) to only occur after a skill is used that would end the turn
- [community]Updated mini-map tooltips for Cultist Territory and Guardian nodes, to now use their lore /game terms of Oblivion's Ingress and Oblivion's Rampart respectively.
- Oblivion’s Ramparts now reduce Loathing by 1, instead of 2, because they are no longer optional
- Cultist encounters reward adjusted for changes to Oblivion’s Rampart wave count
- Reduced drop chance for cultist trinkets from all cultist fights
- Dark Impulse now drops from encounters at Oblivion’s Rampart
- Fixed an issue where both cultist trinkets would not be returned after a hero death
- [community]Dark Impulse: now drops with random effects and the inventory frame has been updated to match other Unforgettable trinkets
- [community]Generic trinkets no longer appear in The Academic's Study
- Uncommon Seashell now properly checks when the Leper is bleeding, not the enemy
- Food inn items no longer heal
- Fixed an issue with a Creature Den choice showing that it would Blind enemies when it would Daze them
- Footman's Grog: Removed -25% DMG Taken
- Trinket condition tool tips for stress now use the amount rather than percent
- Fixed an issue with a Creature Den flee option that resulted in combat instead
- Creature Den and Resist nodes that apply negative effects to monsters on start are now non-resistable
- [community]Fixed an issue where converting stacks of certain token types, such as Vulnerable to Block, caused them to cancel one another out before conversion was complete
- Fixed an issue where "Random' AoE Multi-Hit skills would ignore Taunt and Stealth tokens
- Fixed several combat items not triggering their VFX
- Fixed an bug where a HP debuff from a quirk caused from a meltdown would force hero into Death’s Door
- Fixed a Softlock issue caused by a hero corpse and extra turn effects
- Fixed an issue where an unprocessed stress trigger resulted in a seemingly random meltdown in the inn
- Fix to movement happening after effect results
- Fixed an issue where moved enemies would ignore the immobilized token from a bear trap
- Fixed an issue where a Trench Run biome would fail to generate due to impossible goals
- Fixed an issue with Runaway's Searing Strike DOT not being correctly affected by trinkets
- Various driving camera obstruction fixes
- The Inn lantern now correctly has it's light placed inside the lantern and not below it
- Fixed a mouseover hitbox with the stagecoach torch being obscured sometimes resulting in flickering UI elements
- Torch UI should now correctly deactivate during Narrative sequences
- The Tempting Goblet Inn tooltip has been updated to remove the misleading Until Next Inn portion of it's stress heal effect
- Fixed an issue that would show the torch value countdown in various game UIs when Infernal Torch is equipped
- Fixed a display issue with Ignores effects on skills, ie Grave Robber's Thrown Dagger Skill or Leper's Chop+
- Hero Path seal and text are now color coded to help distinguish them against each other
- Fixed some awkward Torch deactivation and activation around the Valley Bridge
- Fixed an issue where the Inn travelogue would use default names for characters rather than their player specified names
- Fixed an issue with Docker hatched from a Cabin Boy incorrectly having a 1-slot HP bar for 2-slot character
- Fixed an issue where the self-target indicator would briefly show on Pass
- There is a known presentation issue with the death of the Act 2 boss when killed by a combat item. We will deploy a hotfix for this as soon as we have the issue resolved internally.