Songs of Conquest Update 0.81.5 Available
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1448

The team over at Lavapotion brings us a new early access update for their Heroes of Might and Magic-inspired kingdom management RPG Songs of Conquest. The update acts as a stepping stone on the road to overhauling the game's approach to sieges, but it also introduces a new market location, three new skirmish maps, some minor gameplay changes and UI improvements, and more.
Here's more on that, along with the actual patch notes:
Greetings Wielders!
Version 0.81.5 is released and it brings some new exciting features. The update has been on the public test realm for a week and we are eager for everyone to experience the additions and improvements that we have done.
Some of the things described in the roadmap have already been implemented and we hope you enjoy them. It’s quite the list so we won’t go through it all but if you want to read every little bit of detail just scroll down to below the signature.
So what’s new? We have added gates on adventure maps and started to discuss how we want to implement sieges in Songs of Conquest. If you want to join that discussion, comment here or join our discord!
We have also added something we call Raider’s Market although that name might change later. Somewhere to sell your ill-gotten loot when the inventory of your Wielder might seem a little packed. This mysterious market has already appeared in some of our maps, ready to sell you both powerful and less impactful items, depending on the size of your wielder's coin purse.
Three new skirmish maps have entered the lists with more on the way in the coming months. Another sought after content and our own cartographers have been hard at work creating these for everyone’s enjoyment. The new maps are called Triad Pass, Proving Ground and Divided.
There used to be a time when ranged units couldn’t use melee attacks if they were reloading but that time is now over. Those pesky militias can now still pose a threat even though they are cranking up their trusty crossbows, redying themselves for their next shot!
Another absolute highlight is that we have changed the rule where enemies stopped after just getting blasted by one effect when pushed back, something that our community has been asking for. Now the battlefield is open for even more complicated and sneaky maneuvers.
We have also added some UI quality of life improvements, like a button that upgrades your wielder’s troops without having to go into the upgrade menu! Sometimes it’s those little things that we only find after playtesting that makes all the difference.
Like we said, the list is quite long, filled with big and small things. We feel great about this update and we are happy to say that there is much more on the horizon and the road towards full release is filled with awesome updates.
So stay tuned and look ahead!
/The Lavapotion team
AdditionsNotable bugfixes
- Artifact market added
- Added gates on adventure map plus garrison when buying town walls
- New skirmish maps Triad Pass, Divided, Proving Grounds
- Option to enable End turn confirmation popup. This will be shown if any non defending wielder has lots of moves left
- 7 new random events for Rana faction
- Fixed several issues with troop auras
- Fixed bug where pause menu could become bugged if left open while exiting battle
- Fixed a bug where buttons could become unresponsive in the pre-battle screen
- Fixed a bug where artifact inventory could get full and cause index-out-of-range exception
- Fixed dialogue bug where game couldn’t find nearby enemy wielder that was in a town
- Ranged units that are reloading can now still perform melee attacks
- Repel spell now continues pushing the target even if it triggers mines, attacks of opportunity, etc
- Acid Cloud spell now deals damage on each step
- If turn timers are active, show the time left for your opponent when it’s their turn
- Add small entry transition to kingdom menus
- In all game lobbies, human players now default to a randomly selected faction, while AI players default to “unknown random faction”
- Fixed exception when deleting numbers using backspace when editing turn timer settings
- Missing trait bonuses in research codex should now appear
- Missing info for garrison in building codex should now appear
- Prevent host migration popups after player has reached win/lose screen
- Allow double clicking rewards in “select one menu”
- Added a convenience button for upgrading vanilla troops within the troop pool in the troop purchase menu
- Added upgrade button in wielder interaction header for troops where whole stack can be upgraded
- Beacons of Power indicator on player banner in queue in Adventure (shown only if Beacons of Power is a part of the map objectives)
- Threat level colors has been reviewed and updated
- Visual update on the partnership-picker (teams/co-op) in lobby
- Added faction based backgrounds to menus where wielder is interacting with an owned map entity (town, troop producing entities, rally points)
- Added Spell Damage Power attribute to Wielder sheet, Level up menu and trading menu when it has modifications (is not zero)
- Added wielder class label to each wielder in Codex
- Added Win condition to map select menu
- Re-layout of wielder trading menu
- Fixed issue with rally point menu endlessly switching towns
AI - Adventure
- Added map settings option for affecting initial size of neutral hostile enemies
- Fixed issue with online save games and host migration that could lead to exceptions later on because of ID collisions on entities in the game
- Fixed issue with gamestate checksum mismatches after host migration
- Fixed bug in hotseat where it was possible to see names of items that should be hidden under fog on parts of the map explored by other players
- Fixed bug where a team might lose a round of progress in construction of their buildings when simultaneous turns was turned on
- Fixed a bug that made the AI think that going through a teleport is always closer than just walking
- Fixed bug related to using the wrong distance, in some cases, when comparing length/cost between two positions to target.
- Fixed issue with creating too many recruitment options for the same cities/settlements
- Fixed bug where the retreat option was scored unreasonably low, making it not selected as often as it should
- Added prototype improvement for hostile/choke detection
- Improved usage of pathing to create more efficient traversal
- Improved interaction logic resulting in more consistent behavior when interacting the with adventure map
- Added support for Artifact Market interaction
- Added budget system to enable a thrifty AI
- Random Map Generator
- Added wide connections for layouts. Used by adding “wide” : true to a connection node.
- Added guard tier for layout and blueprint. Current tier levels are Random (default), Low, Medium and High.
- Added guard tier settings for layouts. Used by adding “guardTier” : “Random” to a connection or child node.
- Added guard tier settings for blueprints. Used by adding “guardTier” : “Random” to an entry in the blueprint.
- Added guard chance for entries in blueprint. Used by adding “guardChance” : 0.5 to an entry in the blueprint. Any value between 0 and 1 is valid.
- Fixed guards in groups not having the same gold value
- Fixed static objects spawning inside of towns and settlements resulting in blocked paths
- Updated and reviewed all tutorials
- Added tutorials for Visiting town
- Added tutorials for Rally point
- Removed lowest terrain quality setting