SpellForce: Conquest of Eo - Patch v01.00.27144 Available
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1625

Having released SpellForce: Conquest of Eo roughly a week ago, Owned by Gravity now brings us the first patch for their turn-based strategy/RPG hybrid. On top of dealing with assorted technical issues, this patch introduces the ability to save/load with F5 and F8 respectively, populates the game's world with some additional troop-hiring locations, nerfs a couple of especially overpowered summons in wisps and golems, and more.
Check out the complete patch notes:
Esteemed mages,
our game has been out for a week now and we couldn’t be happier with your reactions and feedback. We have been listening and reading as much as we can and we immediately got to work on improving the game and fixing any bugs you have encountered. The current patch contains over 60 fixes, improvements and additions to the game!
We will of course continue to further improve the game and your feedback and support in this is invaluable. Thanks for helping us make the game better!
Today’s patch will address some of the main topics and the two major bugs that hindered people from enjoying the game fully.
Some balancing changes and improvements will only work if you start a new game, especially for Antagonist behaviours, quests and starting locations.There were a bunch of further balancing and quality of life improvements, some nerfs and a few fixes that affect gameplay and balancing as well, so here is a lit of all the changes:
- Fixed game crashing when it could not save to the hard drive due to Windows Defender or antivirus preventing that. (You will still need to manually add the game as an exception and allow it to create and write into folders)
- Fixed an issue where autosave would be triggered between an adventure and starting a battle inside of it causing incorrect behavior after loading that autosave.
- Added Quick save and Quick Load (F5/F8)
- Primary school now determines first apprentice's followers to add more variety to early game troops and decrease initial difficulty.
- New Hiring Locations were added for Start Regions to increase variety of initial units available.
- Antagonists do not spawn stacks close to your tower when going to war now, to prevent curb-stomping your tower out of nowhere. This should make the mid-game smoother and provide less of a difficulty spike.
- Antagonists also announce they are about to take actions against player via notifications.
- We tweaked Antagonist reputation loss (lose more when you bring the fight to them, less anywhere else) + Antagonist AI can send Titans now! That should keep end-game difficulty more even.
- Implemented Quicksave (F5) and Quickload (F8) on world map (1 quicksave slot for now and quickload only loads quicksaves not any other) & don't allow to save over quicksaves
- Primary school now determines first apprentice's followers to add more variety to early game troops
- New Hiring Locations for Start Regions to increase variety of initial units available.
- Added floating text when a unit resists a status effect attempt through their working resistance.
- Dead Hero + Active Spells first time screens added
- Antagonists do not spawn stacks close to your tower when going to war now, to prevent curb-stomping your tower out of nowhere. Antagonists also announce actions against player via notifications.
- Tweaked Antagonist reputation loss (lose more when you bring the fight to them, less anywhere else) + Antagonist AI can send Titans now!
- [Alchemy] made Toxic Distillate and Plague Vessel more different from each other
- Now displays floating text when a unit resists a status effect attempt through their working resistance.
- Skills display when they END the turn instead of when they don't
- Added icon indicating the rewards when a new tower level is unlocked next to the floors
- Implemented error popup in case something is blocking access to the save game directory
- Created more specialized overlays for locations and plants to make them more lightweight
- Tweaked Summon Beast to have more variety
- Tweaked some worldmap hints for location spawning
- Cleanse Ally skill works on everyone (so you can cleanse mind controlled units)
- Charmed Status effect (Mind Control) now tagged as negative status effect -> cleansable on own units
- [Souls] Pristine souls are not ingredients (no essences)
- Word of Recall can be revealed sooner in spell book when owning the page
- Extra hiring-slot now shows different icon in location overlay ( hammers instead of unit+)
- Select tower/airship first when during flight to prevent accidentally moving units out
- Improved performance while in the tower menu or while viewing unit details
- Mitigation for everybody affected by the autosave + battle on turn start issue. We now explain what the problem is (needs windows defender allowing folder access).
- Improved Water Material in Region Alluvyan
- Changed Rohen horizontal faction banner color to Orange.
- Removed the story path where Castle Meldec would vanish
- Adamantinum increased to 2 all-color essences
- Nerfed wisps
- Fixed coloring/image in Tower menu (Allfire flow had wrong color)
- Room extensions balancing (Illithian Chamber bonus increased to 2, Employee of the Month more expensive)
- Tweaked Necromancy starting items (from hamlet) for easier first crafting
- Better balance for Shaper Secret fights
- Increased upkeep for Build Golem spell
- Summons in battle now have the "Summon" and "Expendable" traits
- Changed Fire Elemental to Fire Golem in spell book
- Fixed Silver Drift Hollow Mine did not award achievement for clearing the quest line
- Fixed the glyph and artefact equip window not being scrollable when using a controller
- Fixed selection cursor displaying "no valid targets" in reset exploitation skill (and for all skills that don't implement ValidTile-interface)
- Fixed Turn Animal only working on disordered or worse state; Turned state can be cleansed
- Flame armor has no resistance anymore -> cannot be resisted by own troops
- Fixed consume corpse working in any range, now only works in displayed range
- Fixed missile skill Volley previsualization showing wrong damage values and fixed visuals triggering delay when not in camera focus
- Fixed faulty tile definition on Cave 01 Battle map, near the entrance.
- Adjusted Visual representation of Mountain Tiles in Rushwater Down. was not clear enough.
- Fixed some Shaper Stacks being wrongfully assigned to New Purity of Light
- Fixed Hovered-Tile-Indicator not being rendered if occluded
- Fixed loca in Insight Spell popup
- Fixed imbalance in essences of poison coating/toxic distillate
- Fixed tower is still shown as next action after landing
- Fixed issue where autosave would be triggered between an adventure and starting a battle inside of it causing incorrect behavior after loading that autosave.
- Hide new tower levels until unlock says so
- Fixed not localized collect button in apprentice school
- Fixed hex highlight in WorldMapBattleEffect
- Fixed some elven stacks’ power in Alluvyan adventures not scaling correctly
- Fixed faulty tile definition on Worldmap in Region Westguard.
- Reworked hand-placed mine locations in Draycott and Stoneblades.
- Fixed bug that caused not triggering "War" when immediately dropping to 0 reputation
- Fixed reload/recharge statuses being cleansable
- Fixed Demon-form being cancelable by Steadfast/Cleanse
- Shaper Golem now has Construct trait
- Clarified "No Upkeep" wording in summons/mind controlled traits
- Fixed FireBeetle missile attack not being usable as default skill