Geneforge 2 - Infestation Kickstarter Campaign Concluded
Category: News ArchiveHits: 4423

With a total of $76,777 pledged, Spiderweb Software's Kickstarter campaign for Geneforge 2 - Infestation is now over. The final amount was sufficient to fund this remaster and two of its stretch goals. And even though it fell a bit short of the third stretch goal, it was close enough, and as a result, the updated version of the second Geneforge game will be getting a new secret quest line after all.
The first post-funding update talks about that, and shares a thank you message from the team along with some info for the campaign's high-level backers.
Check it out:
The Kickstarter is done, and it was a huge success! It funded far above the minimum level. It reached two stretch goals and almost reached a third. Thank you all so much for your support. It means a great deal to us, and we’re all fired up and ready to write this game!
This is a good time to make sure updates from Kickstarter don’t end up in your spam filter. We’ll be sending out regular messages, some of which will ask for your feedback and ideas. Watch out for them, especially if you backed at a high level where you’re adding content to the game.
Now that we’re transitioning from the planning and begging phase to the full-on creating phase, it’s time to get to work. There’s a lot to think about and a lot to do. So let’s get to it …
Stretch Goals
We reached two stretch goals. We will be adding a whole new storyline with several new zones. We are also adding a new creation based on your feedback.
We will start asking for your creation ideas in a month or so. This experiment in Geneforge 1 - Mutagen resulted in the Cockatrice, a powerful and mercurial beastie with unique abilities. (And it will be reappearing in Geneforge 2 - Infestation.) The cockatrice was a reward for a high level mission, but these new creations don’t need to be. They can be creations you get early on. Start thinking up your wild ideas now.
We got close to the third stretch goal. Close enough, we say! We will be putting a hidden quest line in the game, a tricky mission with powerful rewards that will only be found by the persistent. It’s the least we can do after you were all so generous in your support.
So, again, watch for these messages! We have a lot to do.
High Level Backers
We are creating a design guide for Geneforge 2 - Infestation, with information about the game system, the setting, and the factions. If you backed at a high level and are contributing content, it is very important to watch for and read these messages. We will be sending you a link to the design guide in about a month, and we want to get as many submissions as possible by the beginning of August.
We can’t wait to see your wild ideas!
And We’re Off …
As for us, we’re going to tear into the game engine. We’re adding several long-requested features. Then comes primary world design. This will take a number of months, as we’ll be going through every single thing in the game. You’ll be hearing all about it.
Time to get to work. Thank you again! This is gonna be a cool game, and we're good to go. Expect another update soon.
- Jeff Vogel