Asheron's Call Discovery

Someone was exploring off the coast of Asheron's Call, a place normally enshrouded in fog, and suddenly looked out and caught a glimpse of the first island of a previously undiscovered archipelago. That's the way I figure it to be anyway, as they didn't quite mention that in Gamespy's preview of the brand new Asheron's Call territory players will be blessed with this month. Some island sand for ya:

...our guide teleported us once again, this time to possibly the most breathtaking area in the Asheron's Call world. If there had been any doubt that a previous society had been living on this island, it was quickly quelled by what stood before us. A giant cathedral, beautifully textured and slowly falling to ruin (there were plants growing out of the floor, a nice touch), stood before us, and right beyond it a huge, multi-tiered waterfall cascaded into the sea.

Players can look forward to a whole host of new sites, encounters, and experiences when they log in this morning and download the patch.

Someday I'd like to sit with someone who's really been involved with Asheron's Call and talk about its differences from EQ, what makes it better, worse, etc. Sounds like a fun conversation to me.