Minister of Fiction to Origin

If there was ever a job title that I'd want, it would be that. Minister of Fiction. How insanely cool. It can mean anything of course. And actually that can apply to 75% of all jobs. Further... to every human alive... who's not an obsessive compulsive truth-teller, and even then it's their own version of the truth which to all the rest of us is nothing but fiction, except of course to our telepathic twins... but now I'm digressing. For less musing, more gaming news which is why you're here, e-ice-skate on over to the UO2Vault for a comprehensive interview with the Minister of Fiction for the sequel MMORPG, Ultima Worlds Online: Origin. A fish-nib for your chewing pleasure:

Jonric: Where did you draw inspiration for the way the Jukan race has been developed?

Ahriman: Most of my inspiration for the Juka came from Japanese feudal society. I also mixed in a good deal of the politics of Dune, the martial cultures of Ancient Rome and Imperial China, and sprinkled it all with a healthy dose of Chinese kung fu films.

I like this guy.