On the State of the Gaming Industry
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1403
Stomped: What were your favorite games that were released in 2000 and why?
Spector: Virtua Tennis for the Dreamcast has worn my thumb to a nub! Other than that, I didn't do much serious gaming -- mostly play-a-few-hours, get-disappointed, stop-playing stuff. I played a lot of games for an hour or two or three but there really wasn't much of anything that inspired forty-hours-of-my-life devotion. Given that we're working on Deus Ex 2 and Thief 3 here, I realize I'm setting myself up for a fall, but 2000 sure seemed like a year of been-there-done-that sequels and games-that-slipped-into-next-year. I do look forward to more Samba De Amigo, Jet Set Radio and Mario Tennis -- games that intrigued me enough to warrant more playtime. And I'm definitely going to give Alice a try over the holidays...