DAoC Beta Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1127
You probably noticed that I mentioned pets in the above paragraph. Yes, pets have been integrated in to the Dark Age of Camelot beta test. Different classes receive different types of pets. Cabalists for example receive golems. Golems will stay with a character until they or the character dies at which point they will need to be re-summoned. Because zones are transparent in Camelot(meaning that you will walk through them and no loading will take place and monsters can pass through with you) your pet move across zones with you unlike in Everquest. There are also summoned, commanded(limited form of charm) and charmed pets for different classes.
The pet interface is well done. You can pop a pet control box on to your screen at any time. As with all windows in DAoC you can set the alpha transparency settings so that it does not become a distraction on the screen. This small control box allows you to constantly monitor your pets health and also features point and click commands to control your element. These include telling him to stay, follow, attack, retreat and combat aggression modes. I have to say that I'm impressed with what they have done in this regard.