This week's update happens, despite rumors to the contrary.

Warden made a statement last week that we may not recieve an update this week due to preperations for phase 2 of beta. Yes, you read correctly. Phase 1 is winding down and they are making preperations for phase 2. Unfortunately, all this means for most of us is that phase 3 is that much closer, since phase 2 is only an additional 50 testers on top of the current 50. I doubt the phase change means there will be much of an increase in information flow.

Speaking of information flow, this week's update includes the final two parts of the Legend of Shadowbane. The Age of Twilight tells the tale of the begining of Shadowbane and The Unknown Future sets the stage for the upcoming game.

In other SB news, the news letter has recieved some modifications. The new setup requires that you are a registered member of the development forums. Nothing to extreme, it is still free.