Script Wars!?
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1098
I just had an idea, and I was wondering if people would actually participate in it, and if it is even possible to do. Just ignore this if someone else is already doing it...
I call this idea "Script Wars". Basically, I would put up an NPC on a web page for people to download (eg, a 10th level mage), people would then make combat scripts for this NPC. At a specified time, I would start a module on my server that has a big arena in it, and the people who made the scripts could join in and sit in the stands... The scripted NPCs would then be dropped into the arena, and the last one standing wins!
Spectators to the match could bet on the results (and win fabulous in-game prizes), and the results of the matches would be posted on my website for all to see....Also, a question for BioWare (this is the Developer's Corner after all)... How complex can stand-alone NPC scripts be? Could I, for instance, have a challenge like "Script the NPC to find a gem hidden somewhere in the level and put it in a box?"
- A few of us at were actually discussing this very idea just this afternoon. It's certainly possible. If anything, the scripting language is too powerful - you'll have to lay down some rules disqualifying any scripts that 'cheat' (ie: don't play by the D&D rules).
Also, you might want to consider a more flexible approach. Rather than a single pre-fabricated character, you could open it up to any character that meets Vault standards for a given level (including the allowable value of his items). To take the idea even further, you could start thinking in terms of parties, as well - scripting the cleric to cast Sanctuary in order to heal party members, scripting the sorcerer to use Dispel Magic on the buffed-up enemy fighter, etc.
In short, if you get enough people interested, you could have all manner of categories and tiers to your competition, as well as in-game rewards for the competing scripters and a robust betting system to accommodate the spectators, too (maybe the scripters get the 'proceeds' from the betting). It's a great idea and I wish you all the best with it.
My name is Gladiator,
Rob Bartel
Co-Lead Designer